"Really know Him, and trust Him implicitly." |
GOD ASKS US to believe the greater revelation when we think it safer to believe the lesser. We believe what is easy, what makes sense, but He asks us to believe what is impossible and could only come from God. What cannot otherwise be explained. It must be God because man could not have done it. We must move beyond human belief.
Elisha lifted the mantle of Elijah and parted the river, though he personally had never done so. Elijah soaked the sacrifice then called upon God to consume it with fire. Could I, would I trust God for either one? It sounds easy. It is not.
Enoch trusted God to take him from the earth to live in heaven. We'd send him to a psychiatrist, say he needs meds, or failing those, at least, avoid him and hope he never got too close. What he believed, however, came true. We don't even want to reason that out. Surely, God only did that for him as some ... example. Yeah, that's it.
“By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” (Hebrews 11:5)
It took Abraham 100 years to figure God out. God promised him a son many years before. God had to change his name to convince him. There’s that silly old man walking around now calling himself "Father of nations." Eyeroll. Then Sarah starts to look ... Wait. Is she pregnant? She is! And Isaac is born. We wouldn't trust God for the promised son at their age.
Much less say we were carrying the Son of God, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Joseph didn't believe Mary until God spoke to him in a dream and then he put his entire future on the line for her. Even giving up His career to live in Egypt, a non-Jewish society.
What has God asked you to do? How insane is it? How much does it ask of you to believe? We make our safe place and are content to abide there, but God asks us to abide in His shadow. And He's in heavenly places unworried about the future and the work of the devil; He's as longsuffering as He's ever been. There are things prophesied thousands of years ago just now coming to pass, and He only has anticipation about them.
"This makes my mind bend," I said to God, knowing it was God because it so far exceeded anything I could ever ask or think. There was no “safe place” to run to in my head, no way to continue to think small. I do have a non-existent goal for my life. Eating ... Eating is my goal. But it's the fact I would never think of what I was told yet God said it. Because what God wants to do is always crossing the Sea on dry land. Dry, not mucky. At least, until Pharaoh tried it. There's that.
“And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, And took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians.” (Exodus 14:24-25)
The strength of the enemy is never a problem. Pharaoh had his entire army and look what happened. Elisha led two armies some-odd miles into nowhere with them believing they were headed in an entirely different direction (2 Kings 6:19). God had blinded their eyes. Two lepers sounded like thousands and the Syrian army ran, leaving all their wealth behind (2 Kings 7:8).
What God wants that we've called faith, like we've named eggs and sourdough, is for us to KNOW Him, really know Him, and trust Him implicitly, and even more when what He's promised makes no sense. He's that relative always traveling to some remote location on the other side of the globe. I mean, who goes there? And yet we never doubt that He will and He'll send pictures. He asks us to trust Him with our present, with our past no matter how wrong it was, and with His plans for our future, even when they are way higher than our disbelief.
We believe in Jesus’ return. He will descend from heaven with a shout. But this thing He’s promising today, that can’t happen. Except walk outside and look at the sky and picture Jesus there, then go back in and open the Word and take God for what He says. The healing that can’t happen, the car you will never afford, the son who left home years ago promising never to speak to you again, being financially solvent, if God has promised you the moon, expect it in your palm. With change. You have nothing to lose.
“The Lord God says, ‘I am the Beginning and the End—he who has always been, he who is, who was, and who is to come—the Almighty.’” (Revelation 1:8, Remedy)
Image by nini kvaratskhelia from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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