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"This came from a man who murdered Christians. He went from killing them to thanking God for them." |
THE APOSTLE PAUL begins all his letters with thanks for the members of the churches. How often have we done this, thanked God for someone? How often have we thought of someone and been thankful? “You know what, God, thank you for John Smith.” And here’s what inspires me even further. This came from a man who murdered Christians. He went from killing them to thanking God for them. He went from anger and hatred and violence to overflowing love and generosity. There was nothing cultural about it either. He thanked God for Romans, Greeks, Jewish believers. When caught in a storm on a ship, he'd prophesied would sink, he cheered the sailors up and promised them safety. He encouraged his jailors. At the end of his letters, he sent greetings to those who worked in the churches on his behalf.
“I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;” (1 Corinthians 1:4)
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,” (Philippians 1:3)
We haven’t seen the depth of God’s heart for people. Do you know what He said to me about our attitude following the recent election? I overheard someone say those who’d vowed to leave America ought to go, and immediately, I knew His heart. This isn’t about right or wrong or any crimes committed. He doesn’t excuse sin in anyone. But those are Americans, and unless His church acts like Him, we fall short of who He wants us to be. Jesus died for the people who hung Him on the cross. Some of them, many of them, made it to heaven. What was that moment like? To stand face-to-face with the King of Kings, the Messiah, and know despite your actions at Calvary, He loves you. Adores you. We can’t push people aside.
Old Testament prophecies spoke of the division of nations. Of Israel and Judah with separation, of Judah and Edom (Jacob and Esau) and the violence between them. Though their forefathers mended their relationship, the generations that followed resurrected the old hatred. They allied themselves with those who God had commanded their ancestors to remove from the Promised Land forever and worshiped foreign (fake) gods on every high place until God was disgusted by their sacrifices. He no longer wanted to hear their songs to Him, when ungodliness and filth coated their actions. What He wanted was true repentance, was forgiveness and a united people, walking true to His covenant.
READ the books of Amos and Obadiah in the Passion Translation.
What He wants from His children now is dedication to the name which has been given this nation. We are the UNITED States. Time and time again, the devil has tried to tear us apart, and it begins with strife, and it ends with criticism and unforgiveness. Rather than lay ourselves at His feet and walk in His Spirit toward the ideal He wants, we decide on it for ourselves and paint our own. We’ve become a political church instead of a childlike one. We must stand for godly principles. We must speak out against sinful policies that destroy lives and open a door to sin. But we speak every word and make every action, not pillowed by self-decided prophecies, but by genuine words from our Lord, from our heavenly Father.
Then we do what His Word says regarding our enemies, regarding people not like us, regarding relationships, regarding children. The apostle Paul went so far as to say not to eat whatever you want if it offends someone who thinks it sinful. He specifically said don’t eat meat if someone who only eats vegetables is weakened by it. Our behavior is continually on display, as if we wear a t-shirt that says, “I’m like Jesus,” everywhere we go. I remember seeing a C.O.P.S. episode years ago where a man was arrested wearing a t-shirt that talked about safety. We look that foolish.
We are told to love our enemies, to do good to them. We are told to pray FOR them, and that’s not pray AGAINST them. When the Civil War ended in 1865, they didn’t export everyone who fought for the South. They put in place policies that enabled them to return home and live. We must go forward in the plan God has written for us, and to know it, we must set aside emotion and seek His face. He has promised to answer when we do. And I’ve begun to give thanks for people now. As often as I remember it, I stop and say, “Thank you for her. Thank you for him.” I call their names, and He smiles. There really isn’t a better habit to get into in this season.
“Therefore let us stop judging one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” (Romans 14:13 BSB)
“Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” (Romans 14:19)
Image by S K from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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