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"God wants us to live the best life we can ever live because He is in it." |
HERE'S WHAT JESUS WANTS: You to not worry about anything ever. That's it. That's what He wants. You don't have to fear anything at all. You can leave home and not worry about traffic, affording gasoline, touching doorknobs, being breathed upon by people. You can go where He sends you, whether it's to work or church or on vacation ... Gasp. Yes folks, Jesus approves of vacations.
Minister Jesse Duplantis once told of a time Jesus sent him to purchase a piece of art he'd always wanted, and the guy sold it to him without having any plan to ever sell it. Now, Suzanne, you're making that up. No. Another minister was on a flight and there was a passenger being obnoxious, so he prayed the guy would go to sleep, and he slept the entire flight. Now, why would God answer that kind of prayer? Because He loves you and (lowers her voice) Jesus met some pretty obnoxious people who needed to go take a nap. He is human, remember. (Raises voice again.)
God cares for you and for everything about you. He’s spoken to me more than once and told me to "just be me." I don't have to be outgoing and social and talkative. I can be quiet and eat snack mix until the sun comes up. God wants us to live the best life we can ever live because He is in it. He's provided protection from anything we might face. He's provided healing for anything that isn't in tip-top shape. He's even promised to take care of our food and clothing. Our children. Our pets. God healed my dog from the edge of death. Hands were laid on her for pancreatitis and kidney failure and she lived several more years, until age 17.
We need only apply God’s Word through reading His promises in the Word and believing He is faithful to keep them. We apply God's Word by NOT speaking the words of the enemy. We stop speaking what we don't want. We stop saying the enemy’s lying ways and deceptions. No more, "I don't feel well. I probably have COVID." Or any other virus or disease. No more, "I always come up short in cash." No more, "Things are just getting worse and worse." In America. In the world. Anywhere. Those are not promises of God. Stop saying that. Say something He did say.
"By Jesus' wounds I am healed and walk in complete health for the rest of my days. I am never without the funds I need to purchase whatever my life requires."
"Jesus is King of these United States."
Don't go by what you see or what you hear. Go by what God has stated in His Word. And change your viewpoint from our faulty human one to God’s seat in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Does God see your situation the way you just stated it? I'm just going to say NO, He doesn’t. But here’s the good news: He is unlimited wisdom and continual forgiveness. He is favor with men and good understanding. James 1:7 says we need only ask for help, and He delights to give truth to us. Ephesians 1 says, and I love that chapter in the Message Bible, it says He couldn't wait to pour out His goodness to us through our Savior, Jesus Christ. And when He did, He just kept pouring and pouring and pouring. We can rest in knowing our good and loving God is in control. Not as fatalism and acceptance but as FAITH. He is true to His Word - ALWAYS. He never lies, never changes His mind about being good.
And He is NOT a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). He is the Holy Spirit of love, Resurrection power, and a sound, healthy mind. There is no need to rise in the morning afraid, nor to lie down at night afraid. We can live every single day without any fear or worries at all. What we don't know how to do, He will guide us. He will teach us. What we aren't able to do, He will enable us. And when we doubt and can't seem to get past some things, He encourages us to keep going forward. There simply is no bad place to be when we are with Him and no bad days either. I love that about Him. What seems impossible isn't because God is in it.
“I press forward, constantly toward the goal of Christlike perfection—one day to experience the ultimate prize for which God has called me heavenward—the joy of seeing him face to face.” (Philippians 3:14, Remedy)
“The secret to real peace and contentment is an abiding trust in Christ—realizing that my strength comes from him; and through the peace, strength, wisdom and perspective that Christ gives me, I can handle whatever happens.” (Philippians 4:13, Remedy)
“The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.” (Psalm 23:1 VOICE)
“I shall [ful]fill him with the length of days; and I shall show mine health to him. (I shall fulfill him with length of days, that is, with a long life; and I shall give my salvation, or my deliverance, to him/and I shall save him.)” (Psalm 91:16 WYC)
Father and daughters Image by Violet Lim from Pixabay
Hearts Image by Prawny from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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