
"We, in essence, clear space for Him. We remove the clutter of our mind and the distractions of our day and give Him all the attention, all the room to fill ..."

WE SEEK NOT THE experience but God who is able to do many wonderful things. He can bring the experience. He desires to show us many things but brings them to those with humble hearts. We fall in love first, then there’s a wedding, then there’s the honeymoon, and intimacy. That is as God designed it. Our relationship with our loving God is the same way. First, we come to know Him, as closely as we’d know our spouse. We recognize His voice, know His inflections, know how He’d respond, then with our hearts full of Him, with our eyes solely upon Him, He does what amazes us.

It's a daily thing. I’ve heard ministers imply to only expect a couple visions in your lifetime, to only have a couple words spoken in our spiritual ears, that more than that is a calling for prophets or those in ministry offices. There is some truth to this, where prophetic words and spiritual gifts are concerned, but our God will show Himself to any who seek Him, as much as we hunger for it, as deep as our love for Him runs.

Some knowledge is needed, a certain amount of growth, but also childlike innocence. He speaks not to the arrogant in this manner, nor to the ungodly or those selfish in nature. He speaks to those who value what He says, to those who are not looking for an unusual happening but who are satiated with His worship. Worship sounds prideful to us, in our human thinking, but it isn’t that He must be fed or else He grows angry. It is that when we lift Him up, when we exalt Him, then He moves among us. We, in essence, clear space for Him. We remove the clutter of our mind and the distractions of our day and give Him all the attention, all the room to fill and strengthen and enlighten our soul, our spirit man, to quicken or make alive our bodies.

“And if the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead will give life to your perishable bodies too, for the sake of his Spirit who dwells in you.” (Romans 8:11 Knox)

Not just for our sake but for His. So He can live in us and speak to us and work through us. I heard a minister describe what should be our lifestyle, that when we enter a building, the presence of God should be felt by those around us, and when we walk past people, the Spirit of God touches those who bump up against us and they are healed. Not that we should think of ourselves high and with great importance and so these things happen, but that we are just so full of Him, and overflowing with the love of God for people, that that is the result.

It is truly all of Him and none of us, but we are willing vessels. Fill me, Lord. Send me, Lord. Use me, Father. Be seen in me, Jesus. Let me be your voice, sweet Spirit.

It is those with this attitude who will see what many do not. It is those who cherish Him, who guard the experience in their heart, not casting it like pearls before swine, who will find great understanding. The apostle Paul spoke of those who crept into the church trying to lead men astray into worship of angels, and Peter, in Acts, of one who thought the supernatural could be purchased with coins. If you go looking for an otherworldly experience outside of God, you will find what you do not want. The devil is too eager to fill in the blanks. You can’t call it God and it actually be God. The devil can appear as an angel of light. He doesn’t care if you’re frightened of his voice or seduced by it, open-eyed or through deception. Whatever will destroy you.

For this reason, we set our hearts on God. We soak in His Word and place Him before us continually. Then we will seek Him, not what He will do, and we will find more than we can contain, we will hear things unimaginable, and we will know what others cannot. And the vision before us will be heaven. Not to entertain us, though the Father will do exceeding abundantly far above what we can ask or think. But because heaven is home, and God wants us to see what goes on there. I want to be one who stands in the right place with the right heart that He can display all His glories to.

“And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.” (2 Corinthians 12:3-5)

“I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,” (Revelation 1:9-10)

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
