The Power of Heaven

"... eternal life because God can’t die and healing because God is healthy and whole and prosperity because God ain’t po."

LET’S REMOVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. Okay, now that everything’s dead, let’s put Him back. He’s kinda necessary to the earth. So, okay, let’s dumb Him down in the gospels. Okay, now that no one was healed or set free from demons, let’s put Him back. Okay, let’s remove Him from salvation. Okay, since no one is born again and we’re all headed to h-e-l-l, let’s put Him back.

You see where I’m going with this? Without the Holy Spirit-slash-Ghost Jesus is deader than dead, and God is ineffective, and we’re all sailing south in a huge ship. He is the power of God that saves us. He is how the will of heaven came to earth. Ephesians 1 calls Him the “seal” of God’s promise to us. In other words, He is the first part of our eternal inheritance through salvation. With Him, we know when we die we’ll go to heaven. With Him, we know God is with us, Emmanuel, forever. Without Him, we’re all worthless bricks.

We choose to believe in Jesus’ death and Resurrection, and Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit to be with us always, to teach us and remind us of Him (hey, Jesus, here, speaking), and to aid communication. Okay, so let’s take away the Holy Spirit for a second, and now our prayer is worthless and ineffective. There’s no more being “in the Spirit.” It’s just us and the wind. Okay, so let’s put Him back, and suddenly, we can talk to God in spades! Woot-Woot! We can talk in our native language or in the Spirit’s language. Okay, let’s take Him away again so I can make my point. He speaks every language on earth and all the dead ones. He can read those hieroglyphics that no one else can read. He knows who wrote it and why. Given this, what gives with not believing He has His own language? Let’s put Him back because that’s FANTASTIC!

Okay, so let’s think this out. When the disciples had that rotten night of fishing and were exhausted and had broken nets and then along comes Jesus, grinning, who says put your nets back in the water and Peter’s givin’ Him the look then decides to obey and they bring up this huge haul of fish, (pause for air) that night, the Holy Spirit was not using His long spirit arm to swirl up fish toward the net, although He could do this. But does that sound like Him? Well, in studying the pattern, take the time they had just a boy’s lunch and Jesus says to the disciples, you feed the people, and the disciples say, Wha? and then Jesus asks about food, and they produce the loaves and the fishes, did the Holy Spirit go shopping? Like to the Spirit mall? Beep. Beep. Beep. And a million angels loaded up bread and fish on a heavenly forklift? No, HE MADE BREAD OUT OF THIN AIR! Yeah, baby! Now, I point out, He did this twice, ’cause once wasn’t enough.

Okay, now when Mary saw the angel Gabriel and he said she’d have the Son of God and she said, okay, but how could this happen since she was a virgin, who was responsible for it all working out? …. Clock’s ticking. Ding! That’s right, folks, that was the Holy Spirit!! He made a baby out of, well, out of Mary, but you get the point. Joseph was hands off (but essential, he believed her and that was big-huge big.) And sweeping back time, back before Before, when the earth was all water and no air, who was hovering? And who made land appear and plants and animals and man out of dirt? And whose breath is in the dirt, ’cause we’re all walkin’ around here? THE HOLY SPIRIT! He is the life of this planet, and here’s a neat thought – His life is even in those things and those people who don’t acknowledge Him, and He’s okay with that.

But fast forwarding to the story of Peter and the fish again, although the Spirit could have swirled those fish into the net, I’m thinking He made them. What, what? Actually, He told me this, unexpected. I wasn’t asking or thinking about fish at the time. I was thinking about the Word of God because that is my entire life. I LOVE IT. And since He’s my be-fri (1980s talk), and we spend so much time together, talking, (Him teaching me, me pestering Him), He told me this and it opened my eyes to a lot of things. First, that we in the church accept too much based on our mental thinking. We decide what makes sense and set that in stone, when most likely, what doesn’t make sense is the truth. Second, that the Holy Spirit is a huge-big-huge-big gift for Jesus to give us. He didn’t give us the leftover shards of the cross to cling to nor an empty promise which we might not, over time, believe will come true, but He gave us the power of heaven itself. And with that comes eternal life because God can’t die and healing because God is healthy and whole and prosperity because God ain’t po.

“But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3)

The Holy Spirit is our guarantee that God is real and here and vital, and we are God’s children, and whenever we speak to God, although He’s in heaven, He hears us. And even if the enemy is yapping in our ear, we can pray in God’s language and then the enemy’s angry and confused because he can’t speak it. Only us. That’s more than fantastic. That’s awesome and amazing and supernatural. That’s over-the-top. That’s God. God who made dry land appear when there wasn’t none and made barren women mothers when they were old and their bodies were broke, and from a foreign king, rebuilt His temple so that the real temple (His name is Jesus) would come walk and talk with us, then though His body was dead-dead, His spirit was alive-alive, and three days later, the stupid fathead devil, all tied up with Jesus’ shoestrings, Jesus comes walking along, “So, hey, did ya miss me?” Yes!

That’s the Holy Spirit who is living in you, and He won’t ever leave because with Him there’s life and without Him there’s not and Jesus paid the way for it, so when we all get to heaven, we’ll have that day of rejoicing. You can square dance, those two will plié, and us uncoordinated folks will clap along. But it will all be a celebration the likes of which will shake the skies, which the Holy Spirit once hung there so that we could all become God’s children.

“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:” (Romans 8:16)

“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” (Ephesians 1:13-14)

READ “Forever Forgiveness.”

READ “We are all witnesses.”

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Suzanne D. Williams, Author
