God's Way

"Where is our focus? On the night and the creepy crawlies who slide around in darkness? Or on the light so great within us that it saved the entire world?"

WE WERE ON THE RIGHT SIDE of a divided highway, but all I could see were the "wrong way" signs meant for anyone who would stray into oncoming traffic. There are times in our life when that driver is us – me – and I'm staring into the eyes of a giant. Fear looms huge sometimes and resisting it huger still.

“But with God all things are possible” means more than just financial decisions or even healing of our body, which Jesus' blood provides. Sometimes, the impossible is in our head and overcoming it can only be done by walking in the Spirit. Frankly the devil is mean and cruel and wants you to believe it. But God is greater and has done all we will ever need to walk in joy and victory.

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

Where is our focus? On the night and the creepy crawlies who slide around in darkness? Or on the light so great within us that it saved the entire world? The world's people, from sin and death, and one day, the world itself will be bathed in God's presence, suffused in His goodness on every side. His goodness is available to us now, today, when we believe and walk by faith. What is faith? But believing in God's goodness for what we ourselves cannot physically do. We cannot cure ourselves nor repair this world's system. But He who can has already said He will, and He is entirely trustworthy.

“And since we have this great ministering priest who ministers the truth to all, let the truth permeate us, cleansing, transforming and changing us as we draw near to God in heart, mind, purpose, method, principle and character, so that we may have ultimate confidence and trust in him who has revealed himself to be completely trustworthy.” (Hebrews 10:21-23, Remedy)

We are physical beings in a physical world that relies on physical things, things of the eyes, of the ears, of our sense of smell, taste, and touch. What God asks of us to believe is beyond that, it is what He is outside of our physical being. That there is a whole other supernatural world, a godly kingdom, with a Spiritual ruler in a glorified body, is too great for our mental capacity but not our heart. Our heart has been remade in spiritual nature, all of darkness driven from it. We are God's, made of His being, to live based entirely on His kingdom authority. What the devil and his demons try to toss over us is dissolved by the Spirit of God who now inhabits us. If we will believe it and set aside our carnal thinking, our natural reactions, and choose faith, not as a badge of honor but as a way of walking.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it.” (John 1:5 TLV)

We walk every minute of every hour in the strength alone that God has given us. Whether the natural skies be gray or if the mental heavens are streaked with doubt, the truth remains within us forever. We need only shake off the darkness of night and let the light shine. What does this mean? How do we react? We read the Word of God and allow its principles to change our thinking. We pray to God, believing in His good nature (goodness and kindness), and His faithfulness and mercy. We choose joy when the battle is raging. We choose peace in the face of sorrow and anger.

We seek His presence in worship, for there, we will always find the truth, the healing we need. Not as "one and done" but a lifestyle, for this is what He made us to be in Him. Every moment another height of glory, every footstep, another made in faith, the journey never ended until we see Him at the end of our days, and even then, I have a feeling nothing's ever truly over. He's simply too big, too magnificent, for that.

We are looking for a stopping point that never truly comes. Our life continues moving, but we never move outside of His rest, and we only rest, not when our physical life ends, but when our spirits are united with Him. Unity of spirit comes at the new birth, but to be complete in Him means we grow (mature) in spiritual knowledge and understanding. An infant does not understand what a mature adult understands. This is as true in the spiritual as it is in the physical. And spiritual growth comes from all the above, just discussed. He becomes our all, put simply. In our mind, we are thinking of Him, thinking like Him. In our heart, we follow after Him, desire only Him. In our habits we respond like Him. We see people as He does. We feel for them what He feels. Feels, because though His example is set for us in the gospels, He is living in the now. We must know His voice now and follow His Spirit today.

Then we will never find ourselves on the wrong side of the highway or even if we do, being pushed there by some ungodly force, even faced with what seems like sudden disaster, we won’t flinch. For God within us is far stronger than anything that comes against us. Physical trauma, sorrows of mind and heart, or spiritual battles, unseen with our physical eyes but known with our spiritual ones. As Elisha prayed to God to open the eyes of his servant and his servant did see the angelic forces arrayed around them, we see into the spirit realm and react not in fear but in sureness, knowing God is for us, so nothing can come against us.

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

Image by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
