I Am The Source

*I received the following word on December 4, 2021.

I am the source of the news.

If people knew me, they'd seek me, and find truth. I am truth. (Jn 14:6)

“But Lord we must stay informed. We can't find out what's going on from you.”

Do you not think I know "what's going on?" Yea, I know the inward parts of the belly. I know man's thoughts and intents. Darkness and light are alike to me. I see all things. (Pr 20:27; Heb 4:12; Ps 139:12)

I am your news source. I am THE WORD OF LIFE. Read the Word. Speak the Word. Preach the Word. Pray, and rejoice, and silence your opinion. My Word stands alone as truth. All other knowledge is suspect and subject to individual impressions and the lies and deception of the enemy. (1Jn 1:1)

What a man thinketh (about) so does he become. (Pr 23:7)

NO "news" is good news. A man free of the world's words and full of MY WORD will know far more and with complete accuracy. Do you not think I can inform him? I hold the future. It is mine to design, and I have already decreed it.

So walk by faith. Faith sees what I see and speaks it into being. Faith says, "This is God's WORD on the matter. Therefore, this is how it will be." And faith in my power to perform always brings positive results. (2Co 5:7)

A man of faith is a man of great peace. In the world, there is turmoil and indecision, but I have overcome the world, and I did it by faith. (Jn 16:33)

Did I not have to believe MY FATHER would bring rescue? Yea, my eyes were set ever more on the future and the prize I would receive. My eyes were set on receiving thee unto me. I saw thy substance before ever you were born and desired to have thee. (Heb 12:2; Ps 139:16)

I must have Suzanne D. Williams. I must have Becky Combee. I must have John Smith and Jane Brown and all men who Elohim (Father, Son [WORD], and Spirit) brought into being. It was for you I died and for you I was resurrected, and my Resurrection was accomplished by faith in the Spirit and through the great love of the Father.

Make me your source. Make the WORD primary. Consult me first and see your life change for the better. Yea, to a life of abundance and freedom. For where the WORD works by faith, there is no other result.

By faith you win. By faith in me, you succeed. By faith, you prosper. By faith, your every decision is accurate, your every investment is secure, your every movement is holy and full of peace, gratitude, and joy.

Without faith, no man can see me. Faith pleases the Father because it means you have chosen the better thing. You have chosen the truth, and knowing the truth will set you free. From what? From the lies the enemy would use to ensnare you. From missteps and mistakes and traps he's set. Know truth, and know the lie for the lie it is. (Jn 8:32)

There is not one thing, not one bit of "news" I cannot give thee. Yea, I desire to give. I long to speak, to converse in love with thee. Does a father not long to spend time with his children? Does a friend not long to speak to the one he adores? Does a bridegroom not whisper to his beloved?

If you truly want to know what's going on, I am the source you must consult, and the truth I speak will set you free to really live, and your life will become exceeding abundantly above all you can ever ask or think. (Eph 3:20)

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
