Do you know why God told the snake, "He shall crush thy head, but thou shalt bruise His heel?" Because Jesus was coming.
Why God would save Noah, the only righteous man? Because Jesus was coming.
Why God altered seedtime and harvest for his obedience? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Abraham was called "the father of many nations?" Because Jesus was coming.
Why Abraham would offer to sacrifice his only son? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Isaac blessed Jacob and not Esau? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Joseph went from a slave tossed in prison to the highest office in the land? Because Jesus was coming.
Why God spoke to Moses from the burning bush and said, "You are on holy ground?" Because Jesus was coming.
Why each plague affected only Egypt and never Israel? Because Jesus was coming.
Why blood on the door posts caused the angel of death to pass over? Because Jesus was coming.
Why God sent His people out of bondage with the wealth of the enemy? Because Jesus was coming.
Why the cloud by day and the fire by night protected the people? Because Jesus was coming.
Why they walked through the Red Sea on dry land? Because Jesus was coming.
Why the sea swallowed the Egyptian army, horses, chariots, and all? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Moses struck a rock and water flowed out? Because Jesus was coming.
Why the second time he did it, in disobedience, he was judged for it? Because Jesus was coming.
Why the people's clothing and shoes never wore out? Because Jesus was coming.
Why bread from heaven sustained them for 40 years? Because Jesus was coming.
Why the Law was written to keep them holy? Because Jesus was coming.
Why blood of the firstborn of any clean animal was needed for sacrifice? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Joshua and Caleb said, "We are well able?" Because Jesus was coming.
Why Joshua conquered Jericho through worship? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Samuel's mother dedicated him to the priesthood? Because Jesus was coming.
Why a shepherd boy was made into a mighty king, over his brothers? Because Jesus was coming.
Why he slew the giant and freed his people from the Philistines for good? Because Jesus was coming.
Why King Solomon built God's temple, a place for His presence? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Samson slew more in his death than in his life? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Daniel survived in a den of lions? Why his friends walked out of the fiery furnace not even smelling like smoke? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Isaiah prophesied cleansing of sin from scarlet to white as wool? Because Jesus was coming.
Why he prophesied the man of sorrows, acquainted with grief? Because Jesus was coming.
Why Ezekiel's temple flowed with water powerful enough to heal the Dead Sea? Because Jesus was coming.
Why in Malachi, "the Sun of righteousness" will arise with "healing in His wings?" Because Jesus was coming.
Then, one day, in manger, to an obedient man, a carpenter, a builder like God, and a girl, a virgin, a son was born. Jesus had come.
Shepherds sought Him. The priest Eli praised Him. The prophetess Anna worshipped Him. Because Jesus had come.
Wise men traveled a great distance, following a star. Because Jesus had come.
God spoke from heaven, "This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased." Because Jesus had come.
The lame walked, the deaf heard, the people were all healed. Because Jesus had come.
Demons cried out and the oppressed were delivered. Because Jesus had come.
Forgiveness was provided for men's sins. Because Jesus had come.
Jesus was here, Son of God, Son of man, Saviour of the world. He lived as prophesied. He died as prophesied. He rose again as prophesied.
Jesus came. Jesus was. Jesus defeated the devil. Jesus provided a full and complete salvation. Nothing missing that men would ever need but everything gained.
And one day Jesus is coming back. He promised it. I am coming again.
When He spoke to Mary in the garden. I am coming.
When He spoke with the disciples on the way to Emmaus. I am coming.
When He appeared to them in the room and again to Thomas. I am coming.
When He ascended to the Father, saying, "Go ye into all the world." I am coming.
When the Holy Spirit fell like tongues of fire in the book of Acts. Jesus is coming.
When Peter proclaimed, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." Jesus is coming.
On the road to Damascus, in the path of the apostle Paul. Jesus is coming.
When He was imprisoned and shipwrecked. Jesus is coming.
On the isle of Patmos, in a vision to John the beloved. Jesus is coming.
He came and now He's here, in us, and one day He will come again. It's one hundred percent certain. What He was, He is, and He will be.
He's certain and sure. He's reliable. Precise. Faithful. Guaranteed.
Jesus is coming.
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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