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"Our God doesn't need to fight anyone." |
YOU CAN'T change the devil's perspective. If it's good and it's God's, he wants to destroy it. He is defeated by Jesus Christ, but all he sees is retribution. "Oh well, He got me once, but I can, at least, destroy these people. I can mess up that nation." No one, and I repeat myself, no one is "on his side." Evil people are as much his target as good ones.
Jesus said, “If a kingdom is divided then it will fall (Mark 3:24),” meaning as much God's kingdom as Satan's. Satan divided against Satan is his own destruction, and this the full disaster of any being lacking God’s light. God’s children divided against each other also causes a fall. We must recognize the devil and the devil’s work and be on God’s side.
I refuse to even give Satan (which means “adversary”) the word “kingdom.” He is no king, no prince, a King James Translation word from the Greek “archon.” It actually means "first." He was the first to sin and is the worst of sinners. But his idea of sin was the stupidest. The very idea that he thought he could take over God's throne is ridiculous (Isaiah 14:13). Darkness is the absence of light. Thrown out of the light, there was only darkness. He lost all of God’s life which he thought would propel him higher. He had no wisdom, no beauty, no form or substance. This is why in Genesis he inhabited a serpent (Genesis 3:1).
Previous to that moment, we see all was good. God declared it VERY GOOD. Then because of the devil's deception, Eve sinned. Adam chose to sin. But the plan of God for our salvation was already in place. And it was a PLAN OF SALVATION and NOT a war with the devil (John 16:11). Our God doesn't need to fight anyone. He is all-seeing, all-wise, and omnipresent. He is all power. God sent Jesus to bring man salvation because man was created to hold authority and speak and act like God.
We are made in God’s image, after His likeness, so that we look like God and sound like God. Salvation cleanses us of sin and places Satan under our feet. God made us like Him so that He could be like us and return us to being like Him (1 Peter 1:20).
There has been a misunderstanding in church doctrine. Man never lost dominion, as some have taught. It was not possible for man to not be God's image. We are spirit, soul, and body with or without sin, and we walk in the authority over this earth that He gave Adam, with or without without sin. It is more correctly stated to say that man was deceived to THINK he’d lost dominion. Man still replenishes the earth, despite sin. There is pain in childbirth, but children are born. There are weeds, but gardens grow with tilling and planting. The devil’s lies have convinced men to believe mistruth that tears down and destroys all that God has done. Again, that kingdom divided.
But God sent Jesus. God – Father, Son, and Spirit – has always had the upper hand. He's never been led around by the devil, nor tempted by evil, nor confused by what He sees (James 1:13; 1 Corinthians 14:33). He knows the thought and intent of every living creature, those on this physical earth and all spiritual beings. He didn't send Jesus in a gamble to see if He could pull it off. He sent Jesus to do a definite work, knowing all the devil's thoughts and intents, and in every form, what would happen. Jesus’ Resurrection was a sure thing.
Salvation fills us with God's life again, and God's life returns us to His kingdom of light (John 8:12). We become His children, restored to the place of confidence and boldness man was created in. Jesus came to reveal the Father to us, to show us fully who He is in character, personality, method, and principles. So that we can do as He does, respond as He responds, and, like Adam did before sin, walk in complete fellowship with Him. We can ascend and descend from heaven to earth to heaven just as Jesus did as a man, born on this earth (John 3:13). He has made the way.
We must raise our level of possibility to God’s. He is capable of anything. He who parted an ocean and made dry land, also raised the dead. More than once. Enoch got so close to God that he skipped death entirely. They looked for him but couldn't find him. God wants great and amazing things for us, far beyond what we can ever ask or think. Exceeding, abundantly above. We can believe it.
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
“For the simple love of God is wiser than all humankind’s self-centered scheming: God’s love literally heals and restores. And this love of God, which appears weak to the world, is stronger than all the strength of selfish humanity.” (1 Corinthians 1:25, Remedy)
Castle & Lady Image by Calla Negra from Pixabay
Vine Frame Image by Mo Farrelly from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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