A Heart of Giving

"Based on His love for us."

IT’S A CATCH-22. Jesus fulfilled the tithe (10%). He was God’s firstfruits. Yet now, because of Him, we are supposed to be generous givers. The difference is, now, we give through the Spirit of God, as He directs us to give and not from rule of law.

Where is our “storehouse”? This is the word used in Malachi 3:10 where it mentions the tithe. Before I answer that question, I must point out Malachi is an Old Covenant book, but the promises of it apply to us, New Covenant believers. God never revokes blessings. However, the curses have been removed through Jesus Christ. Those words were spoken to Israel in light of His coming, which was fulfilled. So to preach tithing from Malachi is incorrect, but it does show the heart of the Father, which is to free us from the love and worry over money.

Back to my question. Where is our storehouse? This is the word used in Malachi 3:10. “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” What a wonderful promise! Again, I must point out the tithe here was most often animals for sacrifice or grain, products that were worth money to the inhabitants of Israel. But the word “storehouse” itself means “treasure.” It is, basically, the bank of the Temple, where money was reserved. The Israelites paid their tithe and that supported the priests who cared for the Temple.

This is still a godly principle. We should support those in the ministry. We should support THOSE WHERE WE ARE BEING FED. Now, this is our local church, but the word “storehouse” is all inclusive. Give to who is feeding you. And give generously as the Spirit instructs you and with no condemnation over the amount you did or didn’t give or where you’re giving it to. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” No church should ever condemn you for not giving there, for not giving enough there, nor for giving elsewhere.

No church should condemn any other Christian organization, church or otherwise. We are to love one another and NOT to cause strife. Even greater, we are to pray for our enemies, to love them and show them God’s heart of goodness. This means we should give to them, if the Spirit directs us. The Spirit is never going to tell you to waste your money; He will always protect your giving. But we are not to be bound by money. Believe for a delightsome heart to give generously, to not ever be upset by giving, even if it isn’t (from a ministry standpoint) what is given to you; and refuse to ever worry about your needs. Simply take them to God, who hears all prayers, and know He will help you.

“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (Matthew 5:44)

That’s the freedom He intended. Jesus told us in Matthew 6:32 that the Father knows all our needs and He cares for us and will supply them. Then He said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34).” I lived this way when my husband and I first married. We were always short of cash. So I’d ask myself what I needed that day and just buy that one item. I found I always had everything, and life was much more peaceful. My heart of giving came when I heard a sermon on dread. I’ve never forgotten it. We should never dread not having enough. That isn’t God speaking. We shouldn’t dread insufficiency when our Father is all-sufficient. That is one of His names – El Shaddai. He is also Jehovah Jireh, The Lord Who Provides.

NOT based on our giving, but on His love for us. This is huge!

Give to support ministries that you care about, projects by those called to do them, and always to feed and clothe the poor. Give in whatever amount you are comfortable with, and if it feels a little tight to you and you are unwilling, wait and pray about it. My mother writes her tithes and offerings and holds onto them until her heart is right. This is not so much a problem today but was a staple for her early-on. I follow her example. I want my giving to always be out of love and cheerfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7) and not obligation.

God doesn’t obligate us. He changes our inner being. He heals our minds, so that our default behavior looks and feels exactly like Him, and where money is concerned, I can say it no better than that. For He has more-than-enough but gave His all to save little ol’ me.

“You see, I have had times of extreme deprivation of the most basic earthly comforts as well as times of great richness. I have learned the secret—the secret to real peace and contentment in every situation, regardless of circumstance, regardless of whether I’m hungry or well fed, regardless of whether I am rich or poor. The secret to real peace and contentment is an abiding trust in Christ—realizing that my strength comes from him; and through the peace, strength, wisdom and perspective that Christ gives me, I can handle whatever happens.” (Philippians 4:12-13, Remedy)

“I remember well that when I was in Thessalonica and resources were low, you sent aid again and again, whenever I needed it. I am telling you this not because I want another gift, but I am acknowledging how much I appreciate what you have already done, and want you to experience joy and reward for your Christlike sacrifices … And my God will continue to provide—from the abundant riches poured out in Jesus Christ—everything you will ever need for complete healing and transformation.” (Philippians 4:16-17, 19, Remedy)

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

Image by Roland from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
