The Passionate Church
*in ebook and paperback
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." (Acts 10:38)
The church cries out for revival and the sweeping power of the Holy Spirit, to see lives changed and bodies healed as in the book of Acts, and this the promise of Jehovah. The church has been sent to GO and do GREATER WORKS than those told in the gospels.
What then keeps the church from an amazing demonstration of God's presence?
In a study of the Scriptures, author, SUZANNE D. WILLIAMS, describes the church as God expects it to be – a loving, forgiving church, free of condemnation and criticisms, submissive to people, honoring government, and incredibly generous. A PASSIONATE CHURCH, on fire for the things of God and "willing and obedient" to God's principles as demonstrated in the life, death, and Resurrection of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God …” (2 Timothy 3:16)
The Bible is an amazing book. Sixty-six chapters, penned by forty authors, over thousands of years, compiled in one binding. Words written in three languages: classical Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek.
Words that have incited rebellion and caused imprisonment and death. To say this book has caused controversy is to speak lightly. The most commonly read version, the King James, has a storied history, not all of it godly. William Tyndale, who is responsible for translation from the Hebrew and Greek texts into English (instead of Latin), years before then, paid for the rebellious act with his life. No one wanted him to do it.
But he said, speaking to those who stood against him: “If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause a boy that driveth the plow, shall know more scripture than thou dost.”
Author David Teets said of Tyndale in his book about the man that he had “magnificent backbone.” I submit that for him and others like him, it was far more than that.
It was inspiration of God.
The phrase “inspiration of God” is more properly translated “God-breathed,” but I like what Thayer’s Greek Definitions gives as its origin. (G2315) The word comes from two other words: Theos or the Godhead, the Trinity, “refers to the things of God, his counsels, interests … whatever can be in any respect likened unto God, or resemble him in any way” (G2316) and pneo, a word meaning breathe or blow. (G4154)
These words that men were inspired to write are like God. They resemble Him, His counsels, His interests. This is marvelous to me.
The J.B. Phillips translation of this verse gives it additional meaning.
“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error, for re-setting the direction of a man’s life and training him in good living. The scriptures are the comprehensive equipment of the man of God and FIT HIM FULLY for all branches of his work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Only the Bible has been required to define itself. Only the Bible inspires its believers to radically change their lives. In its pages is the breath of God that will set the direction of a man’s life, making him fully fit, completely equipped, for anything he needs to do and everything he must face. These words are the fuel of the PASSIONATE church. They are the POWER OF GOD unto salvation. (Rm 1:16)
It is not separate authors from differing years tossed together by religious zealots nor separate books of differing ideas, each with their own separate stories. I believed that as a child. But, no, what makes this book, these verses, so dear to so many, is that from Genesis to Revelation, it tells one story. One fantastic God-breathed story of a love so great it would sacrifice its very best to save people who didn’t deserve it.
It is the story of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah. A story of miracles, of signs and wonders. It is a commission to share its truths and an incredible ZEAL to everyone who believes. (Ps 69:9)
“Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:37)
Here is our calling. With these words, we become THE CHURCH, but not out of rote or formula. No! We do what Jesus did, we act like Jesus, we imitate Christ, staying full of the Holy Spirit (Eph 5:1). His FIRE burns in us, giving proof of God’s glory with SIGNS following.
“But when I tell myself, I’ll never mention Your name or speak for You again, it’s no use. The word of God burns in my heart; it is like fire in my bones. I try to hold it all in, but I cannot.” (Jeremiah 20:9 VOICE)
This is what those outside of our Christian faith always fail to grasp. These words hold life that changes hearts, heals bodies, and restores minds. They are compassion when you most need it, strength when you’re at your absolute end, encouragement and hope and faith to keep pushing forward. They are a compulsion to fulfill God’s promises, a boldness that cannot be explained.
They are a light that no man can ever put out. (Jn 1:5 PHILLIPS)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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