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"He knows all things about everyone. So how merciful is He?" |
Judgment comes from the house of God because judgment should not come from the devil.
I heard Minister Lance Wallnau do one of his “on the spot” videos from his library and he said all the things the Spirit has been working in my heart. We cannot turn people into an “it.” This was Hitler’s mentality. The Jews became non-human, and his conscience seared, he set out to destroy them. This seems foreign thinking to us, horrible even, but we do this with those we hate. That, in itself, is the issue. We should never hate because it turns people back into that “it” so we exterminate them, one way or another, because to us they are no longer human. But people are made in God’s image, after His likeness, even if they are the most deranged individuals. These are not just my words, but Lance’s as well. We are told to “love one another.” Love is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant and the foundation of the New Covenant. It is who God is, and He lives in His children.
Minister Wallnau also mirrored what prophet Joseph Z said about the church right now—" The church is in danger of being defeated by victory.” The political spirit of the left has gotten on the right now, and the devil is trying to cause strife between us. Though He spouted political names I did not recognize or do not follow, there is much being said between those who should be united. We are ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Lastly, Minister Wallnau said TO WALK IN THE SPIRIT. If you follow my writings, you know I have repeated this. It is the solution for everything. But Minister Wallnau said NOT TO SAY EVERYTHING YOU THINK AS IF IT’S GOD WHEN IT CAME FROM Y-O-U INSTEAD. There has been much prophecy “Pez dispensing” (his words). Don’t put Jesus’ stamp on your thoughts to make money or to make a point. God will not tolerate that. Don’t use marriage conferences to promote lust. Don’t use culture or skin color to make your prejudice okay. Don’t walk past the man beaten and left for dead because you are a Samaritan and he is a Jew.
“‘Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?’ ‘The one who showed him mercy,’ replied the expert in the law. Then Jesus told him, ‘Go and do likewise.’” (Luke 10:36-37 BSB)
The more I see error in people – in and out of the church – the more merciful God is in my gaze. I questioned God about this, and He spoke to it directly. There is so much inaccuracy in the pews and the pulpits, men saying what they want and calling it God’s Word. And so God’s mercy to us looms huge in my gaze. Even in the simplest ways. I’m looking through online photo sites to make graphics for these posts, and there are so many images of wrong thoughts, wrong religions, godless temples with no god in them. There is lust and perversion dressed like angels, devils, families, which sounds uber-religious to read, but type in any subject and there will be sexualized content, real or ai. The Spirit shakes His head at it all, but I am conscious that He knows all things about everyone. So how merciful is He?
I stumbled into images of the “end of the world,” or man’s depiction of it. All He said was, “It won’t end that way.” Battles and explosions and death on a mega-scale in every other picture. So much “wrong” and yet He loves us, chases after us. I feel this personally every single day. It is because of His mercy that I am here today. He stepped in where the church did not. Some did some but none did enough. Without God’s mercy, and my trust in Him, I would not have lived. A severe medication reaction and a diagnosed physical deformity would have killed me, not to speak of the devil. I called on God and knew He’d reply. I didn’t really expect Him to be so consistent and persistent. The church I grew up in hadn’t painted God that way in my ears. I fall back to 2007, in this thought, when for all the church I’d attended, all I remembered was “Jesus loves me,” the children’s tune and that God somehow healed if you had faith and didn’t if you didn’t. But I’m here to tell you, He is mercy on a scale few men realize. The apostle Paul knows. Read his epistles enough and listen to the Spirit, and you will know that. For this reason, he wrote that “all he knew is dung.” He just wanted to know Christ.
And so I go forward. Most of what I’ve learned from the Spirit I hold to myself. This is a requisite if you want Him to speak. Be a leaking bucket, and He will not pour into you His wisdom. If you haven’t stood in that place of revelation, you won’t get this remark. Paul said the same. A messenger from Satan, which afflicted him, he called “a thorn in the flesh,” and Jesus’ reply was “My grace is enough.” But, my point is, it was there because of his revelation knowledge. I am by no means putting myself on the level of Paul, except in point-of-view. There is no pride in me saying these things. But it shows God’s mercy and the church’s ignorance of it. Say God is merciful, and Christians nod and agree, not actually knowing the height and depth of it.
“Then you, being rooted and grounded in love, will have power, together with all the saints, to comprehend the length and width and height and depth of the love of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:17-19 BSB)
No, hear me—He’s merciful. He hears the enemy’s mocking all the time. He hears men agree with it, repeat it. Couples in a video I watched (in another country) worship a tree to be fruitful and have children, simply because the tree is large and old so it must be a god. God is mercy. The Romans worshiped dozens of false deities and used them to justify sexual things. To justify murder. God was mercy to them. Some worshipers, pray to Mary and not to God. The Father hears their prayers. He is mercy. He is mercy to the desperate one crying out to Him, and mercy to the one who trusts Him. But perhaps, the desperate one prays for something they don’t need. Or they pray in sincerity but don’t walk it out, as the saying goes. Some people don’t get answers to prayer because they would squander it. Still, God is mercy. I pray for those who I know aren’t praying, maybe would never pray, and I know they are helped by it, though they don’t look His way. He does so much when we aren’t aware of, and He gets no credit for it. There is His mercy.
“Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.” (Jude 1:2 BSB)
If you pray, then turn around and don’t look at God, you will not see the answer. Did God ignore you? No. Did you grab hold of Him and hold fast? No. If you buy your son a car, but he prefers to ride his bike, do you sell the car? If he consistently drives it recklessly, do you take the keys? This is not an endorsement for sickness. God heals 100%. But for answered prayer. God answers time and time again, because He is merciful. But the more you don’t focus on Him, the less you will see Him.
The mercy of Jesus removed the fear of death so that those who came near death could turn loose and go home. We get stuck on the fact they died too young. God’s Word promises us long life, after all. But it is the mercy of God that made going home peaceful for us.
Why do we say we want to hear from God, but when we speak out, what we say is from our own mind? God is merciful. He doesn’t correct us, half the time. He allows speakers to say what they wish in the flesh. We think if it isn’t Him, then He will stop us. But no, oftentimes, He doesn’t even correct us because we will not receive it. We will blame it on the devil. And he is to blame. But not for anything God does or doesn’t do. If you are listening, God will discipline. If you refuse and rebel, then He will let you do what you have chosen. We do have a choice but can’t blame the choice either. Nor lack of faith. Nor ignorance. Men die in their ignorance all the time. Why doesn’t God stop them? Because the Spirit of God does the perfect will of Christ – Father, Son, and Himself. Christ is all of God. And to be IN CHRIST you must accept Jesus’ death and sacrifice. To walk AFTER CHRIST, you must seek the Spirit, walk step-by-step with Him, and commit to it as a lifestyle. You must encourage others, love others, and refuse strife and war and debate, hatred and criticism and offense. Ask yourself if Jesus would say that, would He react as you did, then be like Him, even if your emotions sting for a time. And if they do, if you mess up, or if the stupid fathead devil is chirping in your ear about how much you goofed, know this—GOD IS MERCIFUL. Every day, all day, all year long, far over and above all you could ever ask or think.
“Year upon year do thou add to the king’s reign; while generations come and go, may his life still last. For ever may he reign under God’s favour; let mercy and faithfulness be his escort.” (Psalm 60 [61]:7-8, Knox)
“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalms 136:1)
“But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our trespasses. It is by grace you have been saved!” (Ephesians 2:4-5 BSB)
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you,” (1 Peter 1:3-4 BSB)
Image by Chil Vera from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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