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"God's life is ours." |
EVERYTHING God created contains His life. When He spoke the world into existence, it was His life that caused it to live, to grow, and to spread. The stars and galaxies continue to form and expand to this day; His life in the atmosphere has never stopped creating. He was eternal life before Genesis, when He formed Jesus a body to inhabit (1 Peter 1:20). His life gave life to angelic beings and heavenly creatures innumerable.
Here are the words of Colossians:
“For he created everything: the entire universe, the heavens and all galaxies, angels and all intelligent life, things visible and invisible. All authority and power stem from him, and everything that exists was created by him. He existed before anything, and it is he who holds all things together (Colossians 1:16-17, Remedy).”
And in the Moffatt translation:
“… all things were created both in heaven and on earth, both the seen and the unseen, including Thrones, angelic Lords, celestial Powers and Rulers; all things have been created by him and for him; he is prior to all, and all coheres in him.”
Sin brought death, and death brought sickness and disease. All are the absence of God’s life, and where there is no life of God, there is decay and confusion and strife. In essence, all things fall apart (James 3:16).
God is holy. There is no unholiness in Him, and it is not possible for there to be any unholiness. He has no sin and cannot sin (James 1:13). When Jesus lived as a man on the earth, before and up to His crucifixion, He did not sin. He stated this to His disciples saying of the devil, “He hath nothing in me (John 14:30).” Jesus COULD HAVE sinned, but He DID NOT. He submitted His will, all He would choose to do, entirely to the Father and the Holy Spirit. In this, when He died, it was as an innocent man. The only completely innocent man. Not only innocent of a crime, but innocent of any sin. Even His birth was without sin, as He was conceived in a virgin bride by the Spirit of God.
Why do I point all this out? Because some say He died FROM SIN. This is incorrect. He had no sin. Therefore, as He said, death had no hold on Him. No, He didn’t die from sin, He died FOR SIN. He, in fact, could not die at all physically until He released His spirit into the hands of the Father. And having released it, then some say, He was spiritually dead. This is also incorrect.
“And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.” (Luke 23:46)
The victory of Jesus Christ is that He was the Christ. He was always Christ. Before creation, He was Christ. In Abraham’s day, He was Christ. When the prophets spoke of Him, He was Christ. When He was born of Mary, He was Christ. And He lived as Christ and He died as Christ. Then He was Resurrected as Christ.
Christ means “the Anointed One.” What makes Him anointed is the anointing, which is the Holy Ghost. Now, I used that term only so you can see it. In fact, the Spirit is not a ghost and prefers to be called Spirit (John 4:24). But the truth I want you to see is that Jesus and the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost have never been separated. Never.
Hear the words of John the Baptizer, who proclaimed One would come whose sandals he was not worthy to unloose (John 1:27). That One was Jesus. Then know that when Jesus’ mother, Mary, approached her cousin Elizabeth, John’s mother, he (John) leapt in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Spirit and prophesied (Luke 1:41). For John was filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb (Luke 1:15). So if John said Jesus was so much greater than he, and the presence of Him inside of Mary was felt by him before birth, then we see an important truth. Jesus WAS NOT absent of the Spirit of God until baptized in the river Jordan by John. That was His “call into ministry,” if you will. He said to John it was to “fulfil all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). Jesus left there filled with the Spirit.
He lived submitted to the Spirit and the will of the Father. The Spirit of God is called the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Resurrection, amongst other names. Jesus came to do THE WILL of the Father, and He did THE WORK of the Father through the Holy Spirit (John 14:10). He was ANOINTED to “do good and heal all those oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38).” He came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), and to fulfill the Old Covenant (Hebrews 8:6, 13). This required Him to be the Lamb of God, who was seen as slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). He is the Lamb of God, and He was slain, and He died at Calvary. But AS THE SACRIFICE FOR SIN and NOT AS A SINNER. He was not condemned to hell for His sins nor for ours because HE IS THE CHRIST and has always been the Christ. The Holy Spirit who anointed Him, who has never been separated from Him, cannot die. But just place Him in the bowels of hell upon the Son of God and what you have is Satan’s defeat.
In the story of the rich man and the poor man told in Luke 16, we see the poor man comforted in a place called Abraham’s bosom. This is the Paradise that Jesus referred to when He promised the thief, “To day shalt thou be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).” It is stated in the story that between Paradise and Hades was “a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot (Luke 16:26).” Only One would cross the gulf, and that is Jesus Christ. He crossed the gulf to condemn the devil. At that moment, He was the Christ, filled with the Spirit. He was God, who had never changed, not yesterday, not today, nor would He ever.
“Jesus Christ is always the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8, Moffatt)
“What Jesus Christ was yesterday, and is to-day, he remains for ever.” (Knox)
This is the victory. That God would choose to become human and submit Himself to death. That in death, He would be God, as alive as He was when He said, “Light be!” at Creation. That the devil thought he had Him under his thumb, only to find out He wasn’t, wouldn’t be, and never had been. But then, the devil thought he could exalt himself to become God, so God cast him out.
God’s life is ours. The same eternal life which separated the sky from the land, the life which forms in the womb and becomes our children. The life of the Greater One lives within you and me, and He can do anything. Why do we doubt? Why does our doctrine make Him less? Jesus proved the Father’s heart. He delights to do good. This is written throughout the Scriptures and highlighted in the gospels. He can’t wait to heal the body and the mind. All He wants is for us to see how big His love is and stop giving the devil a voice. Love one another. Do good to one another. Refuse to criticize and condemn people, and that includes yourself. Don’t confess sickness for any reason.
Not because “my mama had it” or “my daddy suffered with it” or “everyone’s catching it” or “bad stuff happens to good people” or “this ol’ world’s goin’ to pot.” All of that is the devil speaking. Speak the Word. Hold fast to the Word. And remember God did what no one else could do. When it seemed like nothing was happening and Rome would forever rule the world, the King was born. God in the flesh, come to earth to fulfill the plan of God written before the foundation of the world. Before sin, when God created a man in His image, after His likeness in order to become one.
“For it is written: The first man, Adam, became a living soul. The last Adam became the life-giving Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 15:45, TPT)
“Jesus is the physical manifestation of the invisible God—the first being to leave infinity and manifest in physical form, and the conduit from which all creation flowed.” (Colossians 1:15, Remedy)
Image by Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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