"Green, lettuce is green."

THERE IS SOMETHING to be said for the cry of the heart, even if it is improper, disorganized, and doctrinally incorrect. I made a statement about my daughter the other day: I will never do anything to squash her spirit. She is a bright, wonderful woman who I adore. I apply these same thoughts in songs, most of them written by those without the budget and support of well-known Christian singers. There are people writing wonderful praises who are more correct in what they believe than those with a name to them (no specific person intended), and there are those who aren’t right in what they believe but God hears their heart and knows every detail of it.

“But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Every other post on social media (name one) is about a “prophecy” that God gave them that isn’t God speaking at all. Yeah, I’m saying it. God never, ever prophecies fear. But what does God think of these men and women who are so eager to hear Him speak? Because He knows these from those who, like those the apostle Paul called out to the churches, mean only arrogance and deception (2 Timothy 3:4, 7). We need never fear God is snookered. God can use them, can speak to them. I said this about our loving Father, Savior, and Holy Spirit where condemnation is concerned, but He would rather leave you to say the wrong thing than to correct you and it bring any condemnation (John 3:17; Romans 8:1). His correction is love and encouragement – always. Just as I described prophecy.

This isn’t a post about prophecy. But be careful if you dream of destruction to label it God’s Words. God speaks in warning. That isn’t the same thing. And it is always met with confidence in prayer and the authority of Jesus. He is still fulfilling His Word, still leading His church forward and outward—out of the church building.

“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for amendment, and for moral discipline, to make the man of God proficient and equip him for good work of every kind.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Moffatt)

We must not judge others inside or outside of the church in the manner we have been doing. We get a little experience under our belt and too often, it becomes pride and finger-pointing. One of the biggest treasures in the church are those willing to work behind the scenes, to pray for any who write or call in, to do lights or sound or music. God values the earnest heart and to them, will pour in knowledge and understanding and revelation. He can fine-tune talent and expand horizons and place people right where they are needed.

He can also pull someone out who is causing strife. Again, we see this in the writings of Paul. Some only stayed with him for a time, then took off for “better things.” Others, like Timothy, who struggled for a time with fear, just needed time and encouragement to keep them going forward. The devil is forever trying to send someone in the wrong direction and occasionally they follow his footsteps, but God is never finished wooing the honest heart. Just take a trip into an honest prison ministry and you will see those who only have Jesus to survive their days and yet that’s enough.

It’s like picking between types of lettuce – iceberg or romaine? Green, lettuce is green. God loves people, all people of all faiths, of wrong faiths, of confused faiths. We must speak the Word of God with love (1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, Remedy) and display Jesus as the gentle and kind, victorious Shepherd. We reveal the Father as love in the same manner Jesus did. Our words and actions matter. Our jokes do not. Don’t misunderstand me, Jesus is full of joy and it’s infectious. But He is holy; it is never at people’s expense. He stands as our example, that in His worst hour, His greatest hour, while people laughed it up at Him, He died to save them from hell. It’s a horrible place. Don’t let your words put people there, whether they (your words) are deliberate, lapse, or lazy. The pew is comfortable, the pulpit familiar, that woman you passed at the grocery store is hurting. You could at least pray.

And applaud the kid with the guitar who sang his own version of “How Great Thou Art.” And thank you, Jesus the girl who took a popular church song to a new level. Worried less about whether the singer misread Psalm 23 than if you just condemned them for it.

Daniel Bashta sing “How Great Thou Art (feat. Matt Jackson)

Ascend The Hill sing “How Great Thou Art

Nora En Pure perform “Gratitude

"But be careful with the freedom you have in Christ. Do not act in ways that would easily confuse a weaker believer or introduce false ideas into their mind." (1 Corinthians 8:9)

“Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14, Remedy)

Image by Taras Yasinski from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
