For Argument's Sake

"No argument ever beings with Jesus' point-of-view."

YET ANOTHER group of so-called experts, at each other's throats over recent events, the subject of their argument not involved or even in view. This side says this is why “he” was wrong. The other side says, “You just don't understand.” And the talk reaches a boiling point. And I walk away.

Both sides are wrong. Because they are both angry. No argument is solved through anger. No argument ever begins with Jesus' point-of-view.

Arguments are flesh and the human mind. They are not spirit. Or the Spirit. God is the God of peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Peace. Jesus came to earth to bring peace, words proclaimed by the angels at His birth.

Strife, on the other hand, breeds confusion and every evil work (1 Corinthians 14:33). With strife, feelings get involved, and bent feelings beg assuaging. Next thing you know, you're acting out. Yelling, arguing, swinging fists. The thing about anger is it blinds you to any other point-of-view. In the midst of rage, you can see only yours and reasoning flies out the window.

The devil is willing to die if it will drag you down too.

“In your anger do not sin”—do not let your anger or any strong emotion take control of your minds and determine your choices; don’t retain anger in your hearts.” (Ephesians 4:26, Remedy)

In anger, peace becomes irrational. “Peace?? How can we be peaceful? I don't WANT to be peaceful!!”

So you feel that way—Don't involve people in your emotions. Zip the lip and go listen to something fast, really loud. Or run a few miles. Or mow an acre with a push mower. Release your energy elsewhere then when you're too exhausted to speak, sit down and worship and pray. Start with the prayer my daughter's youth pastor always prayed, "God? Help." Then let the presence of God wash the frustration all away. That's what Jesus does.

“I also pray that your reasoning abilities and conscience may be healed …” (Ephesians 1:18, Remedy)

We have to stop defending ourselves. That's His job. Yes, I know how impossible that seems. Because I've fought that battle. And it only ended when Jesus took over. When I let go of all the pieces of my mind I'm trying to hold together and shove down someone's throat, when I felt completely helpless, then God stepped in. Truth is, He was trying to step in the entire time, but I couldn't hear Him.

I was being the earthquake and the wildfire when He was a whisper.

It's hard to come down from the mountain you've built. It requires NOT speaking about what's got you upset. Like, as in, to no one. You refuse to complain, to gripe and "make your point." Instead, you humble yourself and speak the Word. Even if it bites, right then.

“… and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:2, BSB)

You DON'T agree to speak out on a broadcast panel intended to display tempers. Or get in the pulpit and use it to call names. Or thumb your nose at the other side, the critics, because you can. The best reaction is not to give into one and to know that Jesus is with you, and He will not disappoint you.

Give Him the whole care load and move on.

“Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh; but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. The mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace,” (Romans 8:5-6)

Image by Daniel R from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
