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But wake up call, when someone in desperation calls on God and slips up in their proper prayer words-and-phrases, God answers." |
OKAY, HERE’S HOW to pray to God. Example 1: “God? You up there?” Example 2: “GOD???? YOU UP THERE?” Tone of voice altered between those. Example 3: “Holy Godeth, pleaseth heareth me-eth … Oh, in Jesus-eth’ nameth.” King James Version, you get me? Example 4: “Our Father in heaven, Master of the skies, hear my cry …” Etcetera. Example 5 … Okay, perhaps I can make my point without rambling on.
(Slowing the vibe.) If you pray to God in any language, in any manner, using any legit words, including slang words, He hears you. (Regular pace vibe.) He has no prayer-o-meter. Or maybe He does, there’s the Holy Spirit, but He loves people, so that’s sealed and stamped. Point is, there is a lot of talk about prayer liturgy, that’s the order and sequence of words, and how we must pray like this or like that, and yeah, where the name of Jesus is concerned, we need to know when and how to use it. But wake up call, when someone in desperation calls on God and slips up in their proper prayer words-and-phrases, God answers.
We need to go all Old Covenant here. Because they didn’t have the name of Jesus. Yet, Moses is on the mountain in the presence of God so long that he doesn’t eat (like 40 days not eating) and comes down glowing like the sun (Exodus 34:28). People didn’t want to look at him. Isaiah’s having visions of the throne room and himself eating a coal to speak the words of God (Isaiah 6:6). Elijah’s so confident in prayer that he builds an altar and drowns it with water then calls down fire, and the whole thing burns up (1 Kings 18:38). There are lots of other examples of regular men, without the Covenant of Grace, speaking to God and getting answers. Yet, we’re tripping up over what words to use and what type of prayer we need and, going further in this thought, we have the Spirit passing out gifts like wrapping paper. My package is red. Yours is blue. No, it’s all about unity, that when you do what you do, and I do what I do, and both of us are in the Spirit, hearing Him and obeying Him, more stuff gets done. Because, being frank, there are manifestations of the Spirit that you are better at.
Not all of us are called to prophesy, and there are different voices of prophecy. Not all of us are called to speak personal, individual words of wisdom and knowledge (Jane Hamon, for instance). But all of it is needed. The Spirit needs people WHO WILL LISTEN. Ah, God is clapping. We must listen and then speak from His heart and not ours. We must pray in Jesus’ name, but whether it’s spoken first or last or not at all, it is that we know the authority of it and know that HE IS THE AUTHORITY. For example, I can speak Sheriff Grady Judd’s name all day to every criminal, and they will just laugh. It is that when we are speaking, it is Jesus speaking that casts the devil out of anything. Or it is Him speaking that includes the Spirit of God in our prayers. Either direction, Jesus’ name holds authority because HE SUPPORTS WHAT WE ARE DOING and the Spirit told us to do it.
The Father is always involved. The Spirit is His Breath and also the Spirit of Christ. If He is speaking, the Father is speaking. But you can speak to the Father, and He will reply. You will know the difference when it happens. He prefers to let Jesus have the forefront. Jesus will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS do the Father’s will. He’s proven that to us already. Colossians 1:15 tells us, “Jesus is the physical manifestation of the invisible God—the first being to leave infinity and manifest in physical form, and the conduit from which all creation flowed.” (Remedy) Then in verse 19, “For it was God’s pleasure to have his entire identity, character—the fullness of his essence—live in Christ.” When you see Him, you see the Father (John 14:9). They answer prayer, or we can say it “God answers prayer,” because always all of them – Father, Son, and Spirit – are united.
We must have a heart of prayer, and realize that God knows us, our personalities, what we’ve been through, what we do or do not know of spiritual things, and He sees the reverence we have for Him and the love we have for others, and those are more important than if we get the words right. R-e-s-p-e-c-t, is what He needs to see. Then, just be yourself and give “the leaning of the entire personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness.” Have faith, in other words (Hebrews 4:2, AMPC).
“At this, Philip said to him, Lord, let us see the Father; that is all we ask. What, Philip, Jesus said to him, Here am I, who have been all this while in your company; hast thou not learned to recognize me yet? The words I speak to you are not my own words; and the Father, who dwells continually in me, achieves in me his own acts of power.” (John 14:9-10, Knox)
“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12)
“[Besides this evidence] it [the Word] was also established and plainly endorsed by God, Who showed His approval of it by signs and wonders and various miraculous manifestations of [His] power and by imparting the gifts of the Holy Spirit [to the believers] according to His own will.” (Hebrews 2:4 AMPC)
Image by M W from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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