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"First, send My Word across this earth." |
The Spirit has this to say:
WHAT GIVES MAN hope for tomorrow is healing for their lives today. You have preached the Word of God with your senses and lost My voice. I would have you hope for the second coming of Jesus Christ, but I would have you, first, send My Word across this earth. For not until every soul has been saved that can be saved will the Messiah return. Do you continue to doubt? You don’t know truth, then. Jesus died for all men, those who hung Him, those whose government put the cross in the ground, and those who loved Him. He died for future generations, for the unborn, for the elderly, for the poor, for the arrogant rich. There are hearts He can change still, minds He can rescue, bodies He intends to heal and send forth with His Word on their lips. There is one apostle Paul, yet there are thousands, hundreds of thousands of apostles like Paul, who saw the light in some manner and now have God’s truth burgeoning in their heart.
The church has aimed her gaze at Christ’s return to the neglect of the salvation of those around her. She has more faith in Jesus’ return than in the power of the gospel that defines Him. She is surrounded by buildings and equipment and congregations, as entities, and doesn’t see the grocery store clerk, the mailman, the delivery driver. God’s children think he can’t be living right because of his appearance, and she isn’t because of her lifestyle or culture. You have limited the older generation and the younger one to what they know and what they have or haven’t lived and refuse to see Jesus staring back at you. Turn your eyes from the clouds to the farm fields, to the stadiums, to the other religions which continue to draw men to empty godless spaces, and walk in the Spirit. You are connected to Me through Jesus Christ. I am in you for you, but I am in you for them as well. Your life changes theirs. Resurrection life in you brings forth much fruit.
In Galatians 5 where the fruit of the Spirit are listed, the word “fruit” is that which grows from the vine. Without the life in the Vine, you would bear nothing but be dead branches ready to be burnt. This is not what you are through Jesus’ Resurrection. It is that He is living which enables you to do the work of the kingdom. The word “kingdom” means “dominion.” It is His authority in you, backing up your actions, that sends you out. To be Jesus’ hands and feet, His body on this earth, is not for decoration but to take a stand against the demonic in the lives of people and to hear the heart of the Father in what you are called to do to set them free. Then, when all the work is done, when there is a chasm between the godly and the godless, Jesus will return.
That time is not here yet, but you are on the cusp of what will not look like anything you have seen. You continue to look for revivals and corporate services filled with great anointings when what I desire is for each man and woman of God, each child, to hear Me and speak and act. You have turned faith solely on yourselves, and it is there for yourselves. But it is, also, living a lifestyle so connected to the Savior that you know Him as you know your spouse, your children, your closest friends. So that you could say what He’d eat at the table, what He’d say in that situation, what He’d wear at this or that gathering. And you have at your disposal the language of God which the enemy cannot understand. It bypasses the mind and the things of the body and speaks directly to God, who speaks to you in return. It is your mouths, your voices, but is the Spirit of Christ talking.
I, who hovered over the waters in Genesis, who parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, am the fountain of living waters within you which never runs dry. All of the wisdom and revelation of God is in your heart, seeking you, desiring you, and asking you to commit to TODAY. To hope for TOMORROW. But not to preempt the fullness of the gospel to escape what you refuse to mature enough to understand.
Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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