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"I will be so heavenly minded that I am of INCREASING earthly good." |
THE SPEAKER has it wrong. It is not "I will be so heavenly minded that I'm no earthly good." But that “I will be so heavenly minded that I am of INCREASING earthly good.” For this is our commission. We are to GO YE and teach and lay hands on the sick and SEE THEM RECOVER. Not "come ye" and shelter in the walls of the church. We are not spiritual brooms sweeping people into the building but wind which quivers the leaves of every plant it passes by. Because I was there, because you were there, that person has peace. Their life changed.
And it didn't require a practiced speech. It only needed our connection to the God of the Universe. Our loving, gentle Father reached out to them from His place within us. He isn't sitting there to prove we're His. He's working within us to strengthen us, to deepen our intimacy, to stretch His hand out through us. We are vessels of oil. Not only fingers and toes but His anointing, spreading from us onto others. He does the cure. We do the work. But it is not that we work that cures, but that He cures that works.
Minister Philip Mitchell gave the finest depiction of the secret place. He said when we sit in God’s presence and abide, when we lift up who He is in us, we will find those few minutes we struggled to spend with God, have become an hour. I am here to tell you they will become days. Day after day after day, and you will never NOT be in His presence. If you will commit to Him. Not to time needed, though it may require giving some things up. But if you give them up, you will find yourself far more fulfilled, and they won't matter anymore. Not to endless words. Though He desires conversation, much is said without speaking at all.
But from one glory you will go to another glory and who He has made you to be will be its very best. The best athletic director. The best retail clerk. The best artist. The best small groups leader. He will lead you into places you would not have gone without His favor. He will accomplish through you and in you what all our personal struggles can never do.
HEAR “Philip Mitchell” speak.
Is said this about my book sales, years ago. God is my salesman. I sell what He wants me to sell and in the places and manners He leads me to sell them. I refuse to pick up the weight of book sales, medium, or plots. I have been on hiatus for several years. Frankly, I have no idea if I will ever write fiction again, but I know He will use what I have learned to show His face of love and kindness to others. Through what I have written many see romance as He has designed it. I say this without pride but in complete humility that He would know my works and bless them at all.
What does He want to begin, to develop and grow, in you? What we cling to, we keep from Him and what we keep from Him cannot grow. Or fall away. He blows the wind which carries off the chaff. I will be free of it so that all I am will be Him, and it will not die in me, one leaf at a time. Victory requires forward movement. We reach the throne because of His victory. We climb the mountain and level it because of Him in us, and that we did not give up. We do not give up because others encouraged us. They are full of Him too. And that one person who is so very good at speaking, at teaching, at worship, at art, that one person who is so good with children is so very good because He is their power, their anointing.
We all look like Him, united together in Him, because of Him, and the earth is better. The world society may seem further away from His truth, but God, Father Son and Spirit, have not turned loose of it. That's not the plan. He is not letting it all "go to pot" but has this magnificent plan to rescue it, to remake it, and recreate it into His glorious possession. And we, His body, are part of that. We must change our viewpoint for His. We must see heaven so clearly that this earth is bettered because of Him seen in us.
“Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have made a habit, but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:25 BSB)
“May their hearts be encouraged! May they learn the meaning of love! May they have all the wealth of conviction that comes from insight! May they learn to know that open secret of God, the Father of Christ, in whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge lie hidden!” (Colossians 2:1-3, Moffatt)
“Since you became alive again, so to speak, when Christ arose from the dead, now set your sights on the rich treasures and joys of heaven where he sits beside God in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend your time worrying about things down here.You should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. Your real life is in heaven with Christ and God.” (Colossian 3:1-3 TLB)
Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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