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"God is not worried about the devil. God was never worried about the devil." |
THE DEVIL IS a sore loser. See the worst of human behavior and you see him. He would throw the game, not caring how foolish he looks, just to see you lose. He is what happens to living beings minus godliness. Minus holiness. People have given him too much attention, too much status. The King James Version calls him a prince. He isn’t. The word there is “archon,” meaning “first.” He was the first to sin and is the first or worst of sinners. There is no redemption for him or his kind. They will rape and murder and sink to the lowest depths of disgustingness to tear humans down.
God is not worried about the devil. God was never worried about the devil. He knew he’d try to exalt himself. He knew he’d be thrown out, and He knew what it would require of Himself to save mankind. He was never at any point in time taken by surprise, nor is He surprised by what is going on now in the darkest places. Nor is He ignoring what is happening to people. To you. We think this. We’ve preached this. We’ve made salvation half of what it really is and faith a ladder we must work hard to climb. We’ve given into the devil’s most used deception — FEAR. Minus fear, he has no legs to stand on. Which won’t stop him from talking.
He is arrogance and pride. Selfishness. He’s convinced society that only the strong survive. This isn’t God’s plan at all, and God’s plan defeated the devil. Jesus won the victory over death, hell, and the grave. He condemned sin and the devil to extinction. There is no “survival of the fittest” principle at work. Instead, there is God’s everlasting mercy. Love so extreme it would die a death it didn’t deserve in order to save those covered in the filth of sin displayed itself as mercy, as longsuffering, as grace. Whereas the devil is short-tempered and hot-headed, God is humble and meek. Lowly.
Unbothered. He is unbothered by the devil and working continually on our behalf. Our shortsightedness comes from our need for instant satisfaction. We don’t see the full picture, so we get tired, and we give up. But even then, for those who go on to their reward in heaven, there is no condemnation. No mention of what happened and why, whatsoever. The devil likes to remind us of our failures. He brings the condemnation that Romans 8:1 assures us God does not. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but instead to save it (John 3:17).
“There is no greater love than this—that a person lay down their life to save their friends. This is the principle of life—the central principle of the kingdom of God. This love is the Remedy for the infection that is destroying mankind, and the infection is this: Satan’s wicked disease of survival-of-the-fittest, which is preferring self so much that one will kill their friends in order to save themself.” (John 15:13, Remedy)
“Through his death, he revealed the truth about God and—in his humanity—eradicated selfishness, thus he completely destroyed Satan’s weapons of lies and selfishness, and triumphed over Satan at the cross.” (Colossians 2:15, Remedy)
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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