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"He doesn't give me a hard time about being who I'm not, and I adore Him for being Himself." |
I GO THROUGH these spells where I just can’t talk. Not WON’T but CAN’T. The physical effort is too much. I’m good with words on paper but to speak them is out of my wheelhouse. I am 100% reliant on the Spirit of God, my Papa. He gets me, as we’d say in 1980s lingo. I am an 80s teen and not ashamed of it. But, anywho, Papa understands I can’t talk.
And I understand sometimes He won’t or isn’t, and it never has anything to do with anger or vengeance or sorrow at my behavior. There simply isn’t anything to say and what I need at that moment is His presence, to feel Him with me, not to talk my ears off. Truth is, I avoid most social situations for that reason as well. Then I don’t have to think of an answer; my words are very important to me. They are not frivolous and wasted.
Also, I don’t have to exercise my ears either. Now, this may sound strange to you, but I have a daily word limit, and when the cup gets full then I’m done and retreat. You are either shaking your head or laughing. But it’s true. It doesn’t matter what the content (topic) is, if I like it or not. My brain says, “Nope,” and click, it shuts off. I miss a lot of what’s said for that reason. In chitchat and that frivolous conversation, it’s best to say “hello” and keep your expectations low.
The Holy Spirit chooses His words wisely, as my mother would say. He is the source of wisdom that God the Father gives liberally to all who ask Him, and notice, He does so without fault-finding (James 1:5). There it is, true freedom! That I can be me and not feel condemned because today, I just can’t speak. He doesn’t give me a hard time about being who I’m not, and I adore Him for being Himself.
I want you to settle the doubts about His presence and His talking or not talking, so that you can know He’s there like I do and not be worried every time He’s quiet. He had me read a book once where a minister talked about a time in his life where he had to learn to come “out of the box” from his personality. As I was reading it, the whole time I’m thinking, “I just can’t do this.” I knew that He knew I felt that way, and I was nervous because, frankly, I was going to refuse to do any of it. But when I got to the end of that chapter, He said to me, “Be yourself.”
READ “Strengthen Yourself In The Lord” by Bill Johnson
Be yourself, Holy Spirit. Be who you are and teach me to be who I am, who you have called me to be, an uncompromising sometimes-silent writer of the gospel. Be the glory of God in my secret place, the shalom shalom of my lying down and my rising up, the unction to go and help that one who needs it, the joy to give of my generosity into the lives of others. Be all the things you are, and whether you are quiet and meek or a raging inferno, you and me and Jesus and Abba are in this together. For infinity.
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” (John 14:16-17)
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26)
Image by Ralph/Altrip/Germany from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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