Words of God from the Voice of God

"We are to guard prophecy."

PROPHECY IS MEANT to be encouragement. It can give warning, but it does not give warning as in the Old Covenant. Prophecy today is not an individual speaking for God from outside of God, but a child of God hearing His Father. The prophet speaks what He hears that the Savior desires men to know. He speaks of things in current times which are not found in the Word. The foundation of them is always in the Word, but specific cities and people and governments are not.

He (The Savior – Spirit, Son, and Father) speaks largely in parables, as was told in Luke 8:10. It is a way to give mysteries that requires listeners to interpret through the Spirit. The purpose is not to spell things out but to cause men and women to dig into Him, to desire Him, and to hear from Him for themselves. It is meant to draw the heart toward worship, to baptize the mind in His presence. There is too much of it spoken as war. There is no war. It has been fought. There is no battle at present nor one coming.

All things lay in the Father’s hands. All nations are underneath the Savior, the King’s, control. He is King and Master of them. There is no future battle either. A battle implies either side could lose, but this is not what’s foretold. Nor are specific years laid out or, in general, a yearly outline given. Anyone who says they have all of John’s revelation “figured out” is false. There are many places in it that are beyond human understanding. The Spirit could reveal them and does reveal them, but to those who will cherish them and not to anyone who simply wants to gloat.

The only end times event which has been said to be a battle is called an apocalypse by some, but this is incorrect. No bloodbath is desired of the Father to judge the wicked, but a blast of the Spirit’s nostrils will consume them. The method and timing of it is speculated on, often incorrectly. But my point is, we are to guard prophecy. By this I mean, to make it the words of God from the voice of God through willing vessels who hear God well. They are meant to be treasured and desired, not for drama or personal glory, but for the words of God that they are.

False prophets are mentioned in the Bible in many places, both Old and New Covenant, and they have one thing in common – the flesh. Prophecy that is of the flesh, comes from the mind and mental reasonings and is not of the Spirit of God, who speaks ALL prophecy. To say a prophet or prophecy came of a man’s spirit and not of the Holy Spirit is inaccurate and impossible. It is the mind that causes anything to not be of the Spirit. This is stated in Romans 8. Here, the carnal mind is said to fight against (with enmity) the Spirit.

Minister Bill Johnson explained well that this is a Lordship issue. It means the mind is not made subjective to God. Though these verses do not directly apply to the prophetic, they explain well why prophecy is false. Arrogance plays a part and self-will. Also misunderstanding of the Word of God and the principles and character of the Father. Which brings me to what I most desire you to understand. Knowing the character of God solves all issues of doctrine and faith, meaning personal belief. Faith is not a quantity outside of the love of God but comes directly from the love of God. You realize how much He loves you and how far He will go to rescue you, how far He has gone over and above His death and Resurrection, and you are so filled with love for Him that you trust Him with your very life, your entire life.

An experience in the love of God like this changes you forever. I have had such an experience and am forever different. I cannot even go back to the way I used to dress. That feels like the “old me.” But in any case, it is knowing Him at this level, at such a deep point, that causes me to speak so definitely on His behalf. He is gentle and kind. He is meek and lowly. God the Father is the softest soul (He is a spirit being. That is an expression in writing). The Spirit is a quiet whisper and also so funny. The Savior is strength beyond your imagination and so … human … for lack of a better expression. We have it wrong. It is not that we are human, and He is God. But that He is God and a perfect human. Knowing Him well brings understanding.

And He desires to know you. Because it is who They are which makes what They say a treasure in our heart. And prevents us from errors. When you can read the Old Testament prophecies and see the love of God in them, you have moved beyond church theology and into a relationship with the God of heaven that is far beyond words. I do not brag of mine but urge your toward yours so that what we say – in the pulpit, on social media, in print – will please Him and not be so much fodder for the enemy to pick apart and dissect us with.

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:2)

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." (2 Peter 1:20-21)

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
