What and Why

"The enemy, the devil, wants to change our view, to alter our opinion through a false image of Him. The God of the devil's artwork is cruel, neglectful, and full of vengeance. No so."

HE FILLS THE atmosphere though we can't see it. Every molecule of oxygen is His, every element of light and life. Were He to remove Himself, all life would die, demonic included. Why then does He tolerate death? He doesn't. He defeated it and condemned sin. Why not remove it entirely? He will. It is written.

His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. WE EXPECT HIM TO COME DOWN TO OUR LEVEL, AND HE DID THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, HIS SON, BUT HE DESIRES US TO COME UP TO HIS. We are seated with Him in heavenly places so we must adjust our view.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

But what of those who died unfairly? What of innocence stolen? Again, we must ask Him and listen, minus our misunderstandings. We must trust Him. He is intensely private about our thoughts and choices. He knows our intent, our misgivings, and will not advertise them to the world. He will not reveal them at all if it will damage the one listening. For this, He bears on His shoulders great weight. It is not too heavy for Him to carry and does not cause Him confusion.

He is as wise and powerful, as strategic as ever. He dots every i and crosses every t, to infinite detail. He makes no mistakes and covers all of ours. We must hold fast to His Word, knowing He will always keep it. He does not lie, cannot lie, and despises sin and sickness and death.

Our belief in Him is because He is so faithful, so much the same. Yesterday, today, and for forever, He has not changed and will not change. When our doubts and questions arise, we lay them down at His feet and choose to trust in His kindness. We choose to not place the blame, nor seek for where to point our finger, but instead, we say within ourselves, “What I can't see, He does. What I don't know, He has hold of, and He is good and only does good.”

The enemy, the devil, wants to change our view, to alter our opinion through a false image of Him. The God of the devil's artwork is cruel, neglectful, and full of vengeance. Not so. God’s vengeance toward man is mercy. His vengeance toward Satan He displayed on the cross and in great glory in the Resurrection.

For our wanderings from the truth, He offers never-ending repentance. If we accuse Him, He forgives us. If we turn away from Him, He receives us back, His promise of complete salvation - spirit, soul, and body - as full and exceeding as it has ever been.

Why do things fail, and people suffer, and the devil steal, kill, and destroy? Because life has been given to us, free of anything we could possibly earn through our efforts alone, but men having eyes can't see it and don't know it, despite the road leveled by grace to the foot of the cross. We have but one life to live, and we live it hand-in-hand with the God of the universe who SO LOVES us enough to give all of Himself to us. To live triumphantly in the midst of what could destroy us but instead proved to be our victory. There is nothing more noble than confidence like that.

For I know whom I have believed, and He is able to keep all I have committed to Him until that day when he returns to catch us all away. And it will happen. Mark my words.

"There are no human preferences with God." (Colossians 3:25, Knox)

Image by Karen .t from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
