We Owe Him This

"God never condemns people. He loves people."

“FORSAKE NOT the assembling of yourselves together” has been used for condemnation for far too long (Hebrews 10:25). When this Scripture was written, writing was the only way of distant communication, and many could not write at all, and all letters had to be sent with someone and delivered by hand. There was no post. There was no internet, no cell phones nor landlines, no way to watch television at home. If you didn't show up, which sometimes required dangerous travel, then you didn't hear the Word because there was no Bible. No gospel bookstore.

When I was struggling with fear, I watched from home. My church was one of the first to put their services online live. I cannot tell you how much this helped me. Nor should I have to say how much condemnation I got from fellow believers. But there was a lot of it. So when 2020 rolled around and suddenly everyone's watching from home, I laughed. What was backsliding for me in 2007 was okay 13 years later. Now, that we've reassembled, it seems that those who still watch from home are condemned for it once more.

"In this new life one’s nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, and he is equally available to all." (Colossians 3:11 TLB)

God never condemns people. He loves people. He shows mercy. He does not cast someone out of His presence because they watch from home. Or for what they wear. Or for their age or their past. The only thing that comes between God and men is sin. And even then, He seeks the one lost sheep. He has no "that one's too messed up" limit. That thought kinda defeats the point of the cross and Resurrection. What is sin anyhow? The one who didn't show up at church or the one who condemned them for it? Ask Jesus and tell me what He says.

I'll tell you what He says. WALK BY FAITH, TRUST ME FOR YOUR SAFETY AND HAVE AN ALTAR CALL. What are we afraid of? Psalm 91 says "No plague will come nigh your dwelling." It promises no evil will befall us. Psalm 121 says the Lord is our Keeper, and He never sleeps but preserves us from all evil. If fear is what stops us from leading people to Christ and laying hands on them for prayer, then we are in the wrong. Nor is time and inconvenience an excuse. Nor is government. Here again I'm laughing because in 2020, standing up for our right to worship together was politically correct, but now it's a good reason to let this important gospel ministry go.

Jesus wept when He intended to raise Lazarus. The story doesn't say why, but perhaps over their unbelief, and perhaps it just hit Him, He would be Resurrected. He wept when John the Baptizer died, but He couldn't get alone because so many followed after Him. He wept one afternoon when I stumbled across Holocaust survivors singing Hatikvah. No, I didn't audibly hear Him, but I knew it in my heart. Those tears were not just mine. Jesus mourns Judas, the man who betrayed Him and cried out to the Father for that cup to pass. How much does He weep over the lost because the church doesn't seek them as He did, doesn't love like He does, doesn't trust Him and believe He is faithful. He is the Savior first and then became King. First, He became the Lamb of God laid on the altar, then He shone as Alpha and Omega in John's revelation. First, He died having carried men's sins away then He sent His Spirit to live in all who believed because so great is His love.

We owe Him this. We owe Him our courage, even if that means less of us and all of Him.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” (Romans 8:1)

“Through faith’s power they conquered kingdoms and established true justice. Their faith fastened onto their promises and pulled them into reality! It was faith that shut the mouth of lions, put out the power of raging fire, and caused many to escape certain death by the sword. In their weakness their faith imparted power to make them strong! Faith sparked courage within them and they became mighty warriors in battle, pulling armies from another realm into battle array.” (Hebrews 11:33-34)

Flower Image by Victoria from Pixabay
Girls Image by Ghasoub Alaeddin from Pixabay
Weird creativity is mine.

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
