The Prophet

"All the words spoken today come from the Savior as Prophet to the nations."

HE IS the Prophet. Before Him, there were many who spoke for God. After Him, there are those called to the office and those also who prophesy, but now, they are united with Him, as voices speaking from Him. “For” and “from” make a difference. Old Covenant prophets were filled with the Spirit but were not under the New Testament promise of salvation. They looked forward (ahead) to it, seeing it in the distance (Hebrews 11:40). Today’s prophets are children of God, underneath (beneath) the promise of salvation. They are made new creatures (new spirit beings) through the Holy Spirit who fills them and anoints them. But all the words spoken today come from the Savior as Prophet to the nations.

“It is good that you are enthusiastic and passionate about spiritual gifts, especially prophecy.” (1 Corinthians 14:1 TPT)

Today, we are His body, and He is the Head of us. Yesterday, under the Old Covenant, they were servants to Him. He was known as Jehovah and not yet as Christ. Nothing is impossible with God, and so despite the people being without the benefits of salvation provided in the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, He could still do much through them and with them. He anointed the priests and those who served in the temple. He anointed kings, Saul (for a time), David, and Solomon. He anointed Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the minor prophets. He anointed Daniel amidst an ungodly government, outside of Israel. He anointed Daniel’s friends and delivered them from the flames of the furnace. How much greater then will He do for us who are His heirs of salvation?

Jesus demonstrated this to those who followed Him. In the multitudes which sought Him out, He healed everyone. To those from cultures outside of Israel, He listened and loved them and healed them. A Roman centurion had greater faith in Jesus’ authority than anyone in all of Israel. A Syro-Phoenician woman heard the common insult that she was a dog and asked with faith for healing for her daughter. A Samaritan woman, known for having many husbands, had the Christ revealed to her and witnessed about Him to her Samaritan town. As a result, many believed. Those who were physically blind received their sight. Those without hearing or an ability to speak were set free and restored. Those who couldn’t walk and had no faith to be healed were raised up in strength. A man dead for four days and the son of a widow were raised from the dead. Over and over again, Jesus said the kingdom of God had come, it was near, it was among them, then demonstrated the love and power of God, so that His death and Resurrection would be seen among the people as the promised redemption of mankind. So that afterward, when He appeared to them in His glorious body (Philippians 3:21), they would rejoice in the greater thing God the Father and the Spirit of God had done through Him.

The church of Acts was not meant to be for a time, and afterward, when all the disciples had been martyred or, in John’s case, exiled, it would fade to nothing more than the Temple had become when Jesus arrived. We are not meant to be powerless, empty vessels serving God through rules of law that if we mess up, we lose our standing with God. No, these things within us now are eternal and infinite. They are forever. We have in us everything we need to live strong, healthy, godly lives, so full of His presence that even when we walk by, our shadow heals those unexpecting. That is what happened to Peter. And to Paul, whose work clothes became handkerchiefs for the ill. They touched the cloth and were made well. God is not limited in any manner in what He asks of us to do. We must raise our eyes to heaven and increase our belief in His power and faithfulness. Begin to expect great things.

And we must dedicate ourselves to Him, to study and to worship and to prayer. Those who seek Him will find Him, and to the extent He is sought, He will bless and heal and deliver. He will call. The gifts and calls of God are without any looking back and repenting of. They cannot be abolished. Today, there are those made apostles who don’t use the label and those who say they are an apostle who don’t fit the words which describe the office. There are prophets who speak from the flesh and those not identified as prophets who speak great words, as arms and feet, voices for the Messiah, who is Prophet to all. In His gaze, we see love. In His grasp, we sense joy and exhilaration. With His Words, we find truth, and in His Spirit, there is liberty and freedom. To this we are called, and we must take up the mantle He’s left to each one of us and do the work He’s called each one to.

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

I am a writer, gifted to speak for Him, to spread His truths and paint an image of His character which has been lost by many in the church. We have become a group dedicated to “things,” to imagery and churchisms, common language that has lost its value in that we repeat it so often. Faith has become a way to get things and not our love for Him who created humanity then became human so that He could save us from ourselves. He understands far more than we’ve accepted and many things which we’ve assumed are only known to the modern world. We’ve locked Him into the Scriptures which were written to give us a revelation of Him so that we can live for Him every day, guided by Him in those things which are not specifically written there. The Word of God, written, is our foundation. The Word of God, our Messiah, is our elevation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God is both our offense and our defense. God is for us, not against us. We should live like it.

“He is the Head of the body made up of his people—that is, his Church—which he began; and he is the Leader of all those who arise from the dead, so that he is first in everything;” (Colossians 1:17 TLB)

“And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” (Ephesians 1:22-23)

Image by Harijanto Suwarno from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
