The Only Way

"How dedicated are we to what God wants to do through us?"

YOU CAN’T CREATE a new human except by the method God has set in order. This is the same thought as men saying there is a new way to heaven. There is only one way – Jesus Christ.

There is only one way – God’s – to form nations, to govern people, to educate. Any other way, formed outside of Him, will fail either quickly or after time. But it cannot stand as there is no truth in it. The Israelites tried this. God promised them Canaan from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob and into their generations. He brought them to the border, but they feared the inhabitants and did not look to the God of promise. Their children were led in 40 years later, and the Lord went before them to secure the battle. Through Him, it was accomplished, and they conquered.

Yet years later, generations later, they were worshipping false gods in disgusting sexual rituals atop every mountain and beneath every tree. Ezekiel saw them worshiping the gods of men alongside the God of Israel inside the temple itself and at its doors and on its grounds. They wanted to look like the other nations and so made pacts with the other nations, selling out their chastity in adulterous covenant with those who had created their own futures.

There is no future but God’s. None. And anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. There is no government but God’s. The nations are His – all of them. He turns loose of none except to redeem and rescue. What looks like chaos to us is, in fact, ordered by Him. He sees all and knows all and works in many places where we think He is not. I recall a video about the church in Iran and how faithful the believers are there. There is also a great and mighty group of worshipers in China, where worship of Him “who is and who was and who is to come” is forbidden.

God cannot be held to boundaries. These are the words of Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, leader of the congregation at Congregation Shearith Israel, the oldest synagogue in New York. When Jonah fled aboard ship to escape from prophesying to Ninevah, he told them he was a fugitive from his God but not what God that was. Even in the storm, when the other sailors pled with their false images for salvation, Jonah was so secure in his belief in Jehovah that he slept. Sounds familiar. Jesus also slept during the storm. But what men have said was exhaustion was instead security. It was belief in the God who is faithful. When awakened and told to pray, it all came out. Jonah fled from the Hebrew God, and at the word “Hebrew,” terrified, they threw him overboard. For everyone knew, the Hebrew God crossed borders. He was not limited by lands or seas or international waters, and immediately the storm ceased. (Read Jonah 1.)

“For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations.” (Psalms 22:28)

“And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.” (Zechariah 14:9)

Point is, we make Him small and inefficient. “This nation falls apart because He is not among that group or this one,” we say. And there may be some truth to it, but there are in our nation, in other nations, Daniels, and those like his friends. There are Noahs, and Moses’ parents who defied Pharoah’s edict. There are many serving Him with faith beyond what their physical lives appear to sustain. The words of Revelation come to me, which say they “loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11).” This is seen as solely a moment in the future at the end of times, but no, men have laid down their lives as dust to serve His purposes. Hebrews 11 has a list of them. But there are many more.

How dedicated are we to what God wants to do through us? Or are we too willing to allow fear disguised as caution to rule? I do not suggest we immediately go throw ourselves in harm’s way, but instead, that we keep ourselves before the altar, that we live and move and have our being in the awareness of God’s presence, within hearing of His voice, and that what He says and asks of us takes precedence. Because there is always so much more that He wants to do through us, if we’ll believe.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13)

“You will be healed—enriched in every aspect of God’s kingdom—so that you will be generous all the time, and as we share your generosity around, many others will give thanks to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11, Remedy)

Photo by Jennie Razumnaya on Unsplash.

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
