Speak As God Speaks

"This is a call to peace, a call to steadfastness, to worship. But worship the One whose majesty provides the way of escape."

Those who do not choose to read, who do not choose to take in what the Spirit is speaking, will languish underneath what they could be freed from. Hope arises from the Spirit’s words, so take them in. But know those who speak truly from those who speak personally. I am a personal God but truth is my way. I speak to one. I speak to another. I do not speak to those bent on self-will and “will worship.” I don’t speak against my Word, but through it and from it.

This is a call to peace, a call to steadfastness, to worship. But worship the One whose majesty provides the way of escape and hear Him at all hours.
Do not limit yourself to six o’clock on Tuesday evening, but expect to hear at midnight, at two a.m., at noon. Expect to hear in the grocery store when you pass that one that needs prayer and hear and listen and obey what is spoken. Not to make a scene and draw the eye but to bend your heart to mine and walk after my ways. For my ways are above yours. See as I see and not as man sees. Speak as God speaks and not as those without faith, those without vision. Speak peace and not a sword. Lay down your sword and pick up your plowshare. Till the ground and plant the seed, water it and expect it to grow. Without offense. It is possible to speak my Words and not give offense. Seek God’s way. Seek nothing missing, nothing broken, shalom and the power of the Spirit to change lives.

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
