Our God is Perfect (and so are We)

"We can, in fact, be happy and joyful every, single day."

GOD IS SILENT not because He agrees with us but because He loves us. Many a sermon has been spoken which goes against the truth of the Word, either small and in part or in a major way. We speak from the flesh and from the mind and not from the Word. Yet, God does not stop us nor correct us publicly. Not anymore. Correction is done, instead, as conviction, as a pulling of God upon the heart to hear and see what we have misunderstood. It is never done as condemning nor to produce guilt (Romans 8:1). Repentance, an admission of error, is what is required, and then an acceptance of truth.

We give God human motions. We make Him think like us and react like us, and nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, it is direct opposite. We were made like Him, not Him like us. Human-made gods are flawed and full of errors, making human-like decisions that lead to the destruction of those they are god of. No such thing has ever happened or will ever happen to the true and living God of all things. Our God is perfect. We are commanded to seek His perfection.

But here is where some will stop and say, “We can never reach such perfection.” This is an incorrect viewing of our godliness. What God has created in us is perfect, and we have within us, the Holy Spirit, who is perfect, to help us reach forward toward it, to help us obtain it. See the life of Jesus as an example. He was God but lived as man and yet made no sin. How was this possible? Because He walked continually in the Spirit. As such, He made no errors in speech or judgment as has been portrayed of Him in storytelling. He never allowed the work of the enemy to afflict mankind for any reason. He is the God of love who laid down His life in love so that we could be free of all of the work, all of the pressures of the enemy.

Here is where men have also fallen into error, not seeing we can be free of the pressures entirely. The enemy may try to bring the pressures, but we can choose to not take them up. We can feel fear and not be afraid. We can change our thoughts so that when we feel it, we immediately quote God’s Word and His presence surrounds us, fills us. This strength can be ours for any situation – financial, personal, in relationships, or anywhere else that affects us. We can, in fact, be happy and joyful every, single day. What amazing hope and faith, as a result, this gives us. We can be ministers of the gospel, overflowing with His presence everywhere we go.

We can know why God is silent and understand it; we can feel Him with us, although He is silent. The devil is a blabbermouth. God isn’t. He has nothing to prove but is there with us every second of the day. We can also change our way of study so that, even in what we think we understand, we seek Him for it and wait upon Him before speaking. We, in the church, say too much that has been said to us that was not God speaking. We repeat phrases like call slogans and have no idea of their meaning.

For instance, asking for a “move of God.” Do we know what that is? It is God loving people. Calling for the “rain of God” is another. The rain of God is the life of God flowing among people. “Signs and wonders” are people. When we, as people, come together with no other agenda but to seek His face, then He will show up. But for as much of mankind’s ideas and theologies, attitudes, that we enter into during worship or during sermons, there will be, not less of Him, but less of what He would like to do in us and through us. It is our choice.

Every breath must be taken in His goodness. He must be everything in order for us to see everything, and I can tell you, having been forced into this position, with nowhere else to turn but to Him for my daily existence, there are things He has not spoken but keeps to Himself, waiting for those with one hundred percent dedication to Him. Which matters more to you, the football game, that crime drama, or His Word and His people? This isn’t saying either one is sin, per se, but it is a question of His value, and for me, now that I’ve seen what He’s showed to me, there is nothing of greater value. If you had seen the same things, what would you do now?

Think of Enoch who got so close to God under the Old Covenant that God took him home, to heaven, without his seeing or knowing death. We say that is because God ordained it, but God ordained it because Enoch sought Him. Jesus rose from death because He believed God would do that to Him. He was God, as I’ve said, but His mind still tried to think human. He wouldn’t allow it. He pushed into the Spirit and saw things that are unrecorded. These are the words spoken at the end of the gospels. So much is not written that He saw, spoke, and performed in the Spirit. Like, how did He get to the point at age twelve He knew God was His Father and could argue the points of the Law to the astonishment of the Pharisees? And why, that many years later, did they not remember Him?

We have recorded the important men of history, but a boy of Nazareth who knew God as Father has been entirely forgotten. Without the Word of God, written in the Spirit by men of great character, and the Spirit of God in the heart of men, there would be no record of Jesus Christ at all. But there is, and that record stands supreme above all else, including every philosophy of men from Darwin who decided we’d evolved, to the ungodliness of a flat earth society. What God has done can always be proven. Just seek Him, just ask Him, and let what He says be the center of your every word and action. In effect, do as your mother once said, think before you speak. Pray first. Worship first. Then say what He’s given.

“It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.” (Luke 1:3-4)

“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.” (John 21:25)

“Holiness is such a glorious subject from God’s perspective. It’s the essence of His person. To not value holiness is to not value Presence because the Spirit of God is the ‘Holy’ Spirit. By nature, His very essence is absolute purity undefiled in every possible way. There’s zero compromise. There’s zero failure. There’s zero deception. There’s zero anything that would contaminate this perfect expression of God’s heart and His nature toward humanity” (Bill Johnson, A New Day of Miracles)

“God made us so much the same as Himself that it was illusionary … The Hebrew word for ‘image’ is tselem, which involves the concept of a shadow, a phantom or an illusion. An illusion is something you think you see, but on closer observation you discover that your eyes have tricked you. When the rest of the creation saw Adam, they must have done a double take, probably thinking something along these lines: For a moment I thought it was God, but it’s only Adam.” (Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer)

“Through reading of the word of God, and especially through meditation on the word of God, the believer becomes more and more acquainted with the nature and character of God, and thus sees more and more, besides His holiness and justice, what a kind, loving, gracious, merciful, mighty, wise, and faithful Being He is, and, therefore, in poverty, affliction of body, bereavement in his family, difficulty in his service, want of a situation or employment, he will repose upon the ability of God to help him, because he has not only learned from His word that He is of almighty power and infinite wisdom, but he has also seen instance upon instance in the Holy Scriptures in which His almighty power and infinite wisdom have been actually exercised in helping and delivering His people; and he will repose upon the willingness of God to help him, because he has not only learned from the Scriptures what a kind, good, merciful, gracious, and faithful being God is, but because he has also seen in the word of God how, in a great variety of instances He has proved Himself to be so. (George Müller, Answers to Prayer [FREE])

“There is an enormous gap between what we think we can do and what God calls us to do. Our ideas of what we can do or want to do are trivial; God’s ideas for us are grand. God’s call to Jeremiah to be a prophet parallels his call to us to be a person. The excuses we make are plausible; often they are statements of fact, but they are excuses all the same and are disallowed by our Lord, who says: ‘Don’t say, ‘I’m only a boy.’ I’ll tell you where to go and you’ll go there. I’ll tell you what to say and you’ll say it. Don’t be afraid of a soul. I’ll be right there, looking after you.’ Then ‘God reached out, touched [Jeremiah’s] mouth, and said, ‘Look! I’ve just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered! See what I’ve done? I’ve given you a job to do among nations and governments—a red-letter day! Your job is to pull up and tear down, take apart and demolish, and then start over, building and planting’ (Jer 1:9-10).” (Eugene H. Peterson, Run With The Horses)

“Jesus knew the Holy Spirit inside and out and, in His earthly ministry, He was dependent upon the Holy Spirit and knew that He could do nothing of Himself — independent of the Spirit’s power. Since that was true of Jesus, how much more is it true of all of us today. Therefore, if we have not prepared our hearts and minds to catch the wind of God’s Spirit, it is just a fact that we will not see much divine activity in our lives. Our task must be to hoist our spiritual sails so we are in a position to be ‘moved by the Holy Ghost’ when He wants to speak to us or through us to others — or use us in some other way. We must do our part to prepare to catch the wind. This is a God-given honor and our responsibility as believers.” (Rick Renner, Apostles and Prophets: Their Roles in the Past, Present, and Last-Days Church)

Image by beasternchen from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
