Jesus' Will Here

"What we need is stronger belief in our loving God and not louder arguments."

DOES THE devil get our nation or not? There is only one answer, and it is given by Jesus our King.

’Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth,’ do I leave my peace with you (Jn 14:27).” Facing His death on the cross at the hand of men who He loved, Jesus our Messiah had an abundance of peace. It was not just wishful thinking. "He hoped so." No, He was in peace and without fear. Men do not believe this. They think He suffered the ravages of a tormented mind, and He did fight against the thoughts which came against His mind, but the Spirit of the Father who was upon Him without measure has no fear. He gives power, love without sparing, and sound thinking, a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Jesus had all His faculties, we could say, yet He chose to die. How much greater, more beautiful this image is
The God of peace, the God of all Comfort, sent the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, with goodwill and peace on earth for all men, so that peace could reign on earth.

This election is about godly principles in our children, in our nation, and having peace. As long as we fight with each other in endless battles, whether we are correct in what we believe or not, there will be no peace. The war with each other has to stop. We did that once, divided our nation and duked it out. Hundreds of thousands of us died. Of us. Maybe their beliefs were wrong, but they were us. The same can be said of Vietnam, Korea, and countless other wars. We, the people of these United States, stole this land right out from under its native peoples. Apologies have been made and concessions given, but peace only comes when both sides stop fighting.

I have said this many times before. But I saw Him. I saw Jesus Christ seated on a throne atop Mount Rushmore and nothing else remains of these things we fight about. He had on a crown and held a scepter, every bit the King of Kings here. These are the words of Scripture. The Father has given Him all nations, and He will never forget those who pledged their lives here to secure His nation, Israel, and our United States. He will never forget the kindness of one soldier, one businessman of any nation, to Holocaust victims. Rabbi Meir Soloveichik told of his grandparents’ escape when a Japanese businessman disobeyed his government and rescued as many Polish Jews as possible. Such stories are in abundance across the globe.

Jesus knows their names. He knows their faces. He knows the thoughts and intents of their heart. He knows who gave up houses and lands and families for the forming of our nation. He knows those who stood firm, unflinching, in the face of the enemy. And such firmness is needed today. But hate and rhetoric and strife are not His way. “How do we vote then, Suzanne?” You vote for where you see Jesus. You vote for what lays on His heart. You vote as the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, would direct you to vote, and that’s going to require sitting down with Him and shutting up. The devil likes to talk, and he does far too much talking through believers. Oh, we rename it, so it fits in with our Christian agenda, but offense is offense, criticism is criticism, and our instructions are specific: Love one another. Do good to your enemies. Pray for all men, including those in authority. Hold fast to the Word of God and walk in the Spirit, be led of the Spirit.

“And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” (Matthew 11:6)

Your mind is not the Spirit. Neither can a Christian’s spirit man speak for them outside of the influence of the Holy Spirit. Just as someone unsaved can be possessed by a demon or demons (think of the Gadarene demonic of Mark 4), a person who is saved, who has asked Jesus to live in their heart, is “possessed” by God. He fills us completely. There is no space in our spirit man that He does not occupy. Where this misbelief comes from involves the working of the spirit through the mind. The mind is influenced by either the spirit man or the flesh (thoughts, will, and emotions). It chooses based on what we are listening to the most. However much time you give to seeking the heart of God, you will reap the benefit.

All of Him and none of me. I will lay down my pen if He requires it. Whatever He asks of me to do, I will do it, and it is this commitment that causes Him to speak so loudly. If I ask Him a question, He answers it, sometimes immediately. Minister Duplantis talks about sitting in his office and talking to Jesus. His description of his relationship with the Savior inspired me to seek the same. There is no reason to hear from Him “only once in a while,” nor for us to be confused about this election. We can know God’s will for peace on earth IN this nation and THROUGH this nation. We can have joy because He still has fantastic plans for His church on this earth. I beg of you, He begs of you, to stop the brouhaha and silence your voices where it stirs up trouble. He asks of us to lean in and listen to His heartbeat, to give Him control, and to refuse negativity. There is still good to be found amongst people and good things ahead of us, but our mouths speaking defeat will hinder what He wants to do.

What are the words of Philippians 4? These stand in an example. Verse 1, “Stand fast in the Lord.” Verse 2, “Be of the same mind in the Lord.” Verse 3, “Help” each other get along. Verse 4, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Verse 5, “Let your gentleness be known to all men (NKJV).” Verse 6, “Do not be anxious about anything (NET),” but pray about it all with thanksgiving, and when we do, Verse 7, God’s “peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus (TLB).” Lastly, focus your thoughts on all the words of Verse 8. Here is a description of our Jesus. He is what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, with virtue and praise. Here is reconciliation, strength of character, godliness, trust in God’s faithfulness, and peace of mind.

READ “Think on Jesus.”

Apostles Peter and Paul both said to pray for kings, for those in authority, and to submit yourselves to the laws of man and to those who upheld the laws (1 Timothy 2:3; 1 Peter 2:13-14), and need I remind you that there was no democracy in those days. Though the Romans had a form of it for a time, that ceased when Julius Caesar declared himself the title dictator perpetuo in February 44 BC. The Bible is rife with the history of unjust governors from Rome and those who died as a result of their actions. Peter could only say such a thing because in him was God’s heart for people. Paul spoke of it despite personal imprisonment and much time before judges. They set us an example. Even amidst unjust government, God was on their side and well-able to protect them and set them free. Well-able to support them and send them where they needed to go. What we need is stronger belief in our loving God and not louder arguments. We must cast our cares upon our Lord (make Him Lord through our actions) and go forward without worry or fear. We let Him do what He’s always done for people – save them.

“I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.” (Psalms 2:7-8)

“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations.” (Psalms 22:27-28)

“Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.” (Colossians 1:16 TLB)

Image by Phisigma from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
