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"His whole existence was impossible, everything He said He was was ridiculous, what He would accomplish was so far out there, and Him the only way it could get done. He's it." |
"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'" John 14:6 BSB
HOW DID He get to this point? This point of knowledge and understanding. This point of faith. Knowing no one could get to the Father except through Him. And Him as THE WAY, but also Him as THE ONLY WAY. You either follow or you don't get there. And the Father behind Him, protected by Him. You can't climb up on your own. You can't ascend into heaven. You can't go over the wall, some other way. There's a throne and God’s sitting on it, but you can't get there, except through the door that God has fashioned, by submitting to God and resisting the devil.
"And I'm it. I'm the door."
It’s way bigger than simply doing the Father's will, as we would bow in humility and obey. He did obey, but He knew He was the way. He knew the Father on a scale no one else did. He went from a twelve-year-old in the temple quizzing the scholars to a man, 33 ⅓ years old, who knew He was God in the flesh and in Him lived the life of the universe. In Him, He was the life of creation. Standing there at Lazarus' tomb, He stated it. "I AM the Resurrection and the life. I AM the life that will do this."
Human flesh has limitations, yet no it doesn't. He walked on water. In a storm. Not afraid of it, you understand? The lake water is high, the waves tower over Him, the wind is so strong you couldn't walk in it upon land, but He's going to cross the surface of the water and never sink. Gotta give Peter kudos for making an attempt, for expecting water to suspend him. Can't be done on a calm day, much less a storm-ridden one. And then, Jesus calling for Lazarus to be alive again when he was dead and buried and rotting. Now, Jesus is so confident that He says, "I AM the way." Knowing unless you believe what is the wildest, most impossible cockamamie story ever, you can't get to the Father.
The Father who Jesus said was greater than Him let a human being be the way to heaven, be the only thing between here and there and all we have to do is confess it.
We want how-to steps. Point 1, Point 2, and exact descriptions of how things work. In order to fly a plane, scientific facts must be accepted and knowledge gained about planes and equipment. But God asks we trust that Jesus was His Son when there's no evidence but a really old book. And believe His Son healed people of incurable untreatable ailments. The blind saw without needing any eye doctor. The lame walked who hadn't before. Lepers no longer had leprosy. He asks us to believe the Spirit who made the universe, clothed Himself in a human being instead of an elaborate temple, and spoke through Him words that would alter the future. We're supposed to believe that Jesus, a human being, walked sinless in the power of Almighty God, willing, though He knew who He was, to die instead of be crowned an earthly king.
And yet we doubt His dedication. We say in the garden He's struggling with His will to do it. Are you kidding me? His whole existence was impossible, everything He said He was was ridiculous, what He would accomplish was so far out there, and Him the only way it could get done. He's it. He actually believed He'd rise from the dead. FROM THE DEAD. What would we do to someone who said that today? In advance, before even being condemned. A healthy mentally sound man said He'd die and rise again. And if you believe it, if you say so, there's heaven to gain, no pain, no mourning, no struggling.
READ “No Hold.”
He's the Father speaking. He's the prophesied Messiah. Not a warrior deity posed nude on some Roman statue. Rome actually believed because they were gods they didn't need clothing. Heroic nudity, they call it. I'm not making this up. Jesus didn't descend from heaven with a shout and trumpets and miles worth of angels, at least not yet. He didn't wreak vengeance on those who threatened Him. He wasn't some pasty flower boy either whose weak will pacified some other divine being. God in heaven chose a man, became a man, and endowed a man with the chutzpah to say, "I AM the way, and I AM the truth, and I AM the life, and no man comes to the Father, the God of all things, until he believes what I am here to do. And if you believe then all of heaven is yours."
I'm in.
“Jesus did not live a supernatural life & natural life, separate from each other. He lived in the presence of God from the time He was a small child until His death on the cross. The Father made no distinction between supernatural & natural things. God accepted Jesus’ total life.” – LYNNE HAMMOND
JOHN 14:6-10, BSB
(6) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
(7) If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
(8) Philip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.”
(9) Jesus replied, “Philip, I have been with you all this time, and still you do not know Me? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
(10) Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words I say to you, I do not speak on My own. Instead, it is the Father dwelling in Me, performing His works.
Image by Leo from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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