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"From the place of His greatest physical pain came the spiritual union of His body." |
A MARRIAGE is not meant to be a sexual relationship, nor a fleshly one (carnal). It was not created strictly for friendship, nor for work ethic, nor for mutual satisfaction. We in the church have adopted the world’s way of thinking and have left out God’s almost entirely. Woman was created from man, from the place of God’s breath, SO THAT they could become one body again. It is a spiritual beauty, which ungodly thinking has ripped to shreds. It’s not about body types, nor personalities. It’s not pipe fittings.
The Song of Solomon is the most exquisite romance. To take it and pull it apart as nations or history, removes its intent. From her, comes him. From him, comes them. They are one spirit, one mind, one heart, and one communion with God. The apostle Peter said it this way, the husband gives honor unto her as the weaker vessel, and they become “heirs together of the grace of life (1 Peter 3:7).” Then he tied the thought to their prayer life. We skip over this, not seeing that how he loves her, how he honors her for being her, is God’s harmonious design. She is not less for being a woman. She is more. And dishonor, treating her like she holds all the strength, messes up communication with God himself. Song of Solomon portrays this in his pursuit of her and her desire of him. That he praises her, and she gives value to him. The church says she comes from his side so they are equal, when it is she fills a place that he cannot handle, and he provides a strength she cannot obtain. Equality is only seen when they are together. Not separate.
READ "Poetry."
There is no place in the pulpit to take about sex. Period. Repair the relationship and you repair intimacy. How to be a man, how to be a woman is found in the Spirit. He designed humans, and He repairs humans. Where we have focused on the physical side of things, the healing comes from the heart, and the heart only grows in wisdom and knowledge, only is strong in its belief in our faithful God, only stands firm for her and with him, through the Word of God and in His presence. There is no healing outside of God’s presence and within it, there is no need for crass sermons, nor gender circling teachings on married life. He needs to know to be like Jesus. She needs to know how to be like Jesus. They can walk in the Spirit, and then the flesh and the mind loses its sway. Teach the foundations of being strong in Christ and you will heal both people.
The Word of God even goes so far as to say the wife or the husband doesn’t need to preach at each other at all, but their partner can be won to Christ by godly behavior (1 Corinthians 7:14). How much greater then is a godly husband’s behavior toward a godly wife? Or a godly wife’s toward her godly husband? We cannot use the Word of God as an excuse for human reasoning in marriage. Don’t make a Jesus-joke and turn His example into humanistic fodder. He laid His life down for the church. He showed so much love that we cannot turn our gazes from Him. From the place of His greatest physical pain came the spiritual union of His body, an intimacy created at the beginning of time to blend the two of them – male and female into the life of a child. He became a child in order to demonstrate our value. We become husband and wife to demonstrate his.
“No one abuses his own body, but pampers it—serving and satisfying its needs. That’s exactly what Christ does for his church! He serves and satisfies us as members of his body. For this reason a man is to leave his father and his mother and lovingly hold to his wife, since the two have become joined as one flesh.” (Ephesians 5:29-31 TPT)
Image by Stephane from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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