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"There was, in fact, no fear in our Jesus." |
THE WORD stood on its own, so much life in it that with its speaking, life began. Life begat life. We look around us and see nothing but death. But He is life. He had to lay down His life to die physically, so much life was resident in Him. In actuality, He could not die and would not have died but have suffered to infinity. He said this. Do we believe it?
“The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.” (John 10:17-18 BSB)
He had to release His spirit in order to die. He spoke these words to the Father, recorded in Luke 23:46. “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.” That word command means “to present or by implication to deposit (as a trust or for protection).” Though He was man and could not see physically what lay ahead, in the spirit He was confident. He was in faith. He is THE MEASURE OF FAITH (Romans 12:3). The Spirit upon Him, the Spirit of the Father which filled Him, can never die nor be tormented by death or any of the effects of death. There was, in fact, no fear in our Jesus. Not that He didn’t have the opportunity to fear, but as have many, who in their human life have faced great panic, though it seems to take hold of the flesh and the mind, with the power of the Holy Spirit, who has no fear, it is refused.
There is a place at death, where you know you will die, where you know you can die, but death no longer has a hold on your thinking, on your actions. Though it may happen, you have walked beyond it into something supernatural. Those who have seen it up close understand this. Jesus knew He would die; He saw death; He didn’t fear it.
Many speak words heard in song, in preaching, well-meaning words, but have no concept of this. We sing of demons’ defeat or a voice in our head which is not God’s but haven’t really heard one. Just errant thoughts. We must watch what we say, what we believe. The devil is real, demons exist, we need not fear either one but must be vigilant against them. Which starts with our attitude. We must stop being flippant. We stand in faith IN CHRIST, not in ourselves. It was the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ, which enabled Jesus to do what He did. In His physical self, He did not have the power. What He did, however, to put Himself in that place of strength was to avoid sin. He refused his mind the right to order His behavior and, as He said, the devil had no hold on Him.
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” (John 14:30)
No hold IN him. Physical death was not the end of life. Physical death is not the end of life. But who we are, who we choose to believe — hell and the devil or Christ and the life of God — determines our destination. So you don’t believe this. It is true, nonetheless. Too many have seen things outside of physical death for this to be all there is. I spoke with my grandfather in heaven. I heard his voice, and he replied to me. This was given to me because of all that I would go through in the year that followed. It has been my hope. And where hope is that God has placed it should never be extinguished by the misunderstanding or the contempt of those who have no fear of death without having seen death up close. I have seen it. It gazed in my eyes, yet I am alive. And I can tell you there is great ignorance in the church of this in our thinking, in our self-talk. It is great to worship Christ, to think on His victory and to have it move us to personal visions of what heaven is. But there is much there we have no concept of, and much here we have to do in order to walk in the proper awareness of heavenly things. It begins with our kindness toward those who we don’t agree with, in the church or out of it. But especially inside it. These are our brothers and sisters. That is not just an anachronism for introduction. Any who has accepted Jesus into his or her heart is, in the Spirit, our family, and we should love them to that extent.
The devil seeks to divide men from each other. Anywhere there is unity, he loses power, even if that appears to be unity amongst unbelievers. There is no unity, no true fellowship amongst the works of darkness, but they are, instead, determined to “one up” each other. To pull down one in order to exalt themselves. United thought, united hearts come only from the Savior, from God the Father, who created us all to worship Him. Men misunderstand this. But worship takes us into the presence of God, into the Holy Spirit, who delights in us. He is sensitive to us because He knows all there is to know about us, and He is who shows men heavenly things. What I have seen, what I now know is only accented greater by those who have had their own experiences, and I can tell you, one hundred percent, that the vision of Minister Jesse Duplantis is real and is God’s truth, for the God who gave it to him speaks to me. When the devil got loud, God spoke louder and in ways no man could comprehend. Ask me if He’s real, and I can tell you how much we, as the church, have lost sight of Him. Ask me why, and I’ll tell you to ask Him and listen.
He loves you. He loves all men. I have said this on repeat, but He loves Judas. He mourned Judas. He begged the Father not to make Him condemn Judas. Read Matthew 26 for yourself and allow the Spirit, our Teacher, to Guide you. There was no fear in our Messiah, but there was great suffering, for He who came to die to save mankind had to allow one of them to be condemned. And that went against everything He is. God will, one day, wipe out hell entirely, in mercy, ending the suffering of those locked into it. He will consume the earth in His presence, in the fire of His glory, and NOT in a battle of apocalypse. He needs only speak the Word and life is created. He needs to only breathe the slightest breath and all that is will be swallowed up in victory. He is Victor of us. He is Master, Rabbi, beloved Son of the Father, and for infinity, King of Kings.
WATCH Jesse Duplantis’ vision of heaven.
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19)
“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:5)
Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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