The Designer

"Because outside of the Designer, the design falls apart."

THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE holds all things together. He created them by His word, through His power (He is all powerful) and His wisdom (He is all wisdom). Outside of Him, these things that He’s created cannot hold together. He is the glue, if you will. His ways are the ways we must walk in order for things to work as He has designed them to work. We cannot rewrite His ways or reconfigure the mannerisms He’s created or adjust wisdom to work outside of Him.

Does not fire light because there is oxygen? In a vacuum without air, there is no flame at all. Do not all things that go up, later come down? Nothing floats for an eternity unless it is propelled out of earth’s atmosphere, and then it has no control without propulsion that He designed. Man has overcome many things that have fallen out of working order. Someone without legs can, in these modern times, walk with artificial limbs, but man did not design the limbs nor overcome the hardship of lacking them through their own efforts, entirely minus of God. God designed the brain and how it functions. That, alone, is His doing in our thinking processes, and the Word says He knows all our thoughts, all our intentions, and the finest details of the mind. Why wouldn’t he?

Men drew for themselves false gods, images on paper with stories they thought up, and those all contain faults. God has no faults, no shortcomings. There is no place He cannot go or isn’t aware of. So, returning to our theme here, when man tries to “go it alone” and leave God out of the methods of success, man is holding together disparate pieces without the glue that fashioned them. This is the curses of Deuteronomy 28. First, you will see in the book of Deuteronomy that the Israelites were told “when” you do these things, “when” you turn from God’s ways of working. He knew they would. Though chapter 28 begins with “if,” it is not “if” God chooses violence for you or not. It is not a threat against our ability to choose, and we don’t like our choices.

Choices outside of God result in death because He holds all things together. It is not God permitting evil because He is spiteful when you don’t do things His way. He isn’t temperamental. It isn’t the way the original Hebrew is worded and so God takes the blame for cursing mankind. It is that doing things the way of holiness and goodness and morality as He has written it continues us in the blessing that comes from His presence. There is no place in His presence without blessing. He did not say, “Now, be a good human and obey even if you hate it or else.” No, when you are with Him, and He is in you, when you are in obedience to His design, then you are blessed.

Consider His Word. Jesus is the Word of God, yet the Word of God is a book. How can this be? Because every word written in it is Him speaking. If I wrote a book which gives word-for-word the story of my life, then you would say, “That book is Suzanne.” It is me. It is me talking. The Word of God is in every part Jesus, it is in every part the Father, and in every part, the Spirit. And all of it, because it is their words, is anointed and brings life. You cannot speak their words and have no result. Continual speaking will change your thought processes (how you think) and your will to do what God has chosen for you. Just as when Jesus spoke, presence and power came from His Words, when you speak the Word, presence and power, and the life of that power come from your words.

We are blind to it. We are standing in an empty room looking at white walls when if we’d see in the spirit, if we’d see what God sees, those walls are painted a brilliant hue and there is a door to amazing places. I am continually asking myself if I see correctly, if I hear correctly, because I know God is so much bigger and fuller and life-giving than my tiny mind can comprehend. He is so good it is beyond our comprehension. Outside of Him, there is no life, no wisdom, no understanding, no power to overcome. None of the promises He’s made can be found without Him. What holds the molecules of a loaf of bread together? What began with flour and yeast and butter and milk becomes edible when heat is properly applied. We can either bake the bread according to the recipe and enjoy it or sit there with a spoon and eat raw dough. Stare at the dough for eons and it will never turn into baked bread.

So it is with our life’s decisions and with our understanding of God. He longs to be understood, but we must desire Him. So many are waiting for God to hand them things that come from asking. He knows you want that thing. He wants to answer and bless you, but a bowl of flour requires far more to become bread, and the greatest part of it is the presence that causes it to turn into far more than the ingredients we’ve gathered. God is constantly misunderstood, both in and out of the church. People blame Him for judgments, for failures, for weather destructions, and so many other things. He chooses to make no defense but to allow you to misunderstand. He’s provided the way to revelation. His name is Jesus Christ. He’s provided His own life, His own presence, to open your eyes to Him. But the greatest part of receiving the glory that surrounds Him, the thing that opens our vision to truth and steps us out of finger pointing at Him, is submission to Him. And submission isn’t something you can fake. It is a choice.

Which takes us back to Deuteronomy 28. There are the most amazing blessings from submission to Him and the worst, most horrifying curses for doing your own thing, because outside of the Designer, the design falls apart. Only Monet can paint a Monet. Even if someone can imitate it well, it is not a Monet because Monet did not paint it. All humanity belongs to God. All things on the earth are His. All wisdom that operates it comes from His infinity. He is what holds all this together or what we see crumbles to dust.

“Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his counsellor hath taught him?” (Isaiah 40:13)

“To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.” (Isaiah 40:25)

Image of Water Molecule from Wikimedia Commons

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
