He Gets You

"Shake off the sucky parts and embrace Jesus."

SOMETIMES LIFE SUCKS. Then it gets better. Then it sucks again. Then it's great and awesome, only it levels off and sucks again. And we have to live through all of it.

Jesus knows how this feels.

He was born and angels sang, and shepherds came to see Him, and wise men set out to find Him. That was great. Then Herod tried to kill Him which sucked. When He was 12, His parents couldn't find Him, which sucked for them, but He was like, I'm right here, so that turned out okay. When He turned 30 and He was baptized by John, that was great, and the Holy Spirit fell, which was awesome. And the Father spoke, which was perfect. Then He was led into the wilderness which I'm sure sucked, and He was tempted by Satan, who sucks, but He knew who He was, which was awesome. And He emerged in power and healed a man's withered hand. This was awesome!

And over the next 3 and a half years, He healed whole multitudes, which is awesome! And He multiplied bread and fish to feed them, impossible and awesome! But He also met some sucky people dressed like holy men and cast out sucky demons in an awesome display of the Holy Ghost. Only to find Himself where He knew He'd be, on the cross. But all these people loved Him, and He rose from the dead with the keys of death, hell, and the grave. Totally awesome. That was grrrreat. And now He’s King of all and Lord of everything and God like He was before the world was when He awesomed the earth into existence.

Point is, He knows sucky, and He knows awesome, and mental anguish and physical pain and weariness and hunger. He gets what you're going through, and He can make something amazingly great from it. He wants to make something amazingly great from it. And give you a big God-squeeze that makes you whoop and holler. He'll take you to a better place and even if old fathead suckface whispers something sucky in your ear, it's a lie. God’s got this.

We win. Well, Jesus won. But He did it for us, and now, we have the Holy Spirit and the Father and all the goodness of God. Shake off the sucky parts of life and embrace Jesus. Put His Word in your heart, spend time singing to Him, and laugh a lot. Life passes, but eternity is forever, and heaven is real.

“So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He’s the centerpiece of everything we believe, faithful in everything God gave him to do.” (Hebrews 3:1 MSG)

Image by Noopur from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
