It's Real, It's Real, I Know It's Real

"God moves through us where people are at. We must walk in the Spirit at the grocery store and our children's school as much as in the sanctuary."

LET'S ACT LIKE it's real. I mean, Abraham lived as if he was from another kingdom, a city whose builder and maker was God. He knew he was not of this earth. We say we believe this, and we talk about heaven but act like earth. The reaction of the Jews when Jesus appeared before them is a case in point. They could quote the prophecies yet didn’t recognize their fulfillment. Their Messiah stared them in the face, He spoke the words of life, and they hung Him on the cross. You cannot be more deaf than that. Yet in a sense, we, the church, have been. We gather together for a sermon and a song then tear each other apart with our criticism and offenses. Jesus, our Messiah, said to love one another. He called that the greatest commandment.

Or church is a social event and not time spent in His presence. We are not there to show off our fashion sense and our dance skills. We are not there to be stoic and deny we have dance skills. Neither attitude is correct. We are there for motivation and encouragement, to learn how to walk in the Spirit, how to worship, from voices called by God to speak His Word over us. We are there to pray for each other, to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Instead, we’ve turned faith and signs and wonders into objects, into events, when they are God’s love for people. Signs and wonders are people. God’s goodness to us is why we have faith. We have faith in God.

We easily look for heaven when we die but refuse heaven in our daily lives. We deny the supernatural, too focused on elections and entertainment and kooks. Or we relegate it to church walls. We should be Christ where He sends us. The disciples had to physically travel to a location to preach the gospel and spread the Word of Christ. They had to suffer natural hardship to get there safely then deal with people in cultures they were not familiar with. The commission they had received was to GO YE. There were no multimillion-dollar church buildings to fill. Instead, the power of God upon them was so strong that people sought them out. They took pieces of Paul’s clothing because of the anointing on it, from his sweat while working. He was a tentmaker. They stood along the streets to be near Peter’s shadow so they would be healed when he walked by.

God moves through us where people are at. We must walk in the Spirit at the grocery store and our children’s school as much as in the sanctuary. We bring Jesus to people because He lives in us. We bring the power of the Spirit to people for their needs because He is in us. We are on this planet and living among its world systems, but we are not of the world’s ideals and thinking any longer. We are from a heavenly place, walking miracles of rebirth and redemption. Before the cross, Jesus told His disciples, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you (John 14:18).” His disciples had no idea what He meant, but it was that the kingdom of God which they had heard Him preach, which they themselves had preached, was a real kingdom with Himself as King, and they would become citizens of it, even children of God.

We must adjust our perspective to always see from God’s point of view, to discern the natural parts of our human lives as they are supernaturally.

Not to get lost in strange doctrines of incorrect theology. But to know that there are spiritual laws working and a defeated spiritual enemy, and our Savior is real and here with us. He is not only returning one day in what is described as a spectacular event. He walks among us and speaks to us today. We have only to pray and listen. We decree His Word and angelic forces are dispatched. He is Lord of Hosts. He is the Ancient of Days, the Word at the beginning which created all that is. This is not a physical existence on solely a touch-and-taste level, but that which we cannot see formed that which we can. If we will live that way, with God’s kingdom in the forefront of our ways and actions, what the Spirit will unfold within us and around us is mindboggling. He is eager to do it but asks for dedicated believers with sincere hearts, with God’s heart and His desires forefront in them.

What if the things we read in the Word of God come true? What if what Elijah saw, what Elisha expected to receive from his mentor, what Isaiah envisioned of heaven and the throne, what if John’s revelation was ours? What if we were Paul, who as prisoner on a ship in the midst of a horrific storm, bid those with him to eat and be merry because God had promised to save them all ‘ere the ship ever sailed? What if we are Peter freed by an angel and thinking it a dream? What if, like Jesus, we healed them all? Instead of preaching revival, a temporary solution, let’s raise our gazes higher and be Jesus’ hands and feet, so full of His presence, it overflows in our every action. Let’s commit to be the bride without spot or wrinkle, not relying solely on Him to “pull it off,” but working together with Him as He’s bid us to do. In a supernatural kingdom whose authority supersedes everything around us. And the love of God gave it to us. TO USE. For His benefit. For ours.

“And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” (Acts 4:29-31)

Image by Moondance from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
