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"This is a heart for those who are suffering." |
THE PURPOSE OF FAITH was to point us to Christ. The purpose of Christ was to reveal the mystery that God had kept hidden from Satan and all his ilk. If he had known, he wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is, he did and he used men that God later redeemed, offering full forgiveness to any who would accept it.
Salvation is a finished work. It is completed and full. Nothing is lacking from it, nor does anything else need to be gained to further fulfill it. What remains is what God has set in order to finally defeat death, hell, and the grave. They are defeated and were defeated at the foot of the cross, but there will come a day, as the saying goes, when all that is in them will be destroyed forever because of the anointing. That anointing is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. He prefers to be called the Spirit because He is Spirit, but He understands the King James usage of Ghost. In any account, He is who will consume all of sin, death, hell, and those that are tormented in it.
This is an unfavorable topic. No one likes to think about hell, but there is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain and, though hell was not made for men, men (meaning mankind) who do not choose salvation, which comes through the shed blood of Christ Jesus, end up there, and no, it does not please the Father. Those like Hitler are grossly tormented by their sinful humanity, but even they, will find their finality in the promise of Revelation 21:4. There will be no more death, no more sorrow, no more grave because, as Minister Duplantis says of his visit to heaven, “God is merciful.”
There are those who made it to heaven by the “skin of their teeth,” many we will see there who we do not expect to be in heaven at all. But the mercy of God is never satisfied. There is always another who can be saved. We must take the brakes off this car we’ve built which excludes some and includes others. God saves, not based upon appearance or ancestry or sinfulness, nor tattoos nor any other physical attribute. He saves because He loves people so much He would Himself die to rescue them, and this should be our highest call.
We must return to the work of our forefathers who, thinking of Paul, had to travel to these places in order to save people. There was not a church anywhere nor any internet where he could simply send a video, but he went on a ship at the risk of his life. Now, God is not asking us to necessarily follow in his footsteps. I am not particularly interested in worldwide travel, but there are those who are gifted at it and gifted with cultures that God has laid on their hearts. Look at the millions who are rescued from death, hell, and the grave by those like T.L. Osborne, Reinhard Bonke, and Marilyn Hickey, and she’s a woman most blessed in Muslim countries who love her. But she confessed it. She laid her hands on the map and told those places they would come to Christ, and she would be the way it would happen, the voice they would hear.
There is not a denomination that is not seen by God and used by God. We cannot divide by doctrine any longer. All that matters, as Paul said, is Christ preached, Him crucified, and the truth of the gospel which he represented has been set out, openly and for all to see. There is no more mystery. He revealed it. There is no more power, either authority (exousia) or ability (dunamis) of sin over us if we will appropriate what God has provided, and this is our commission.
“Pick up the power I’ve given you,” the Spirit of the Lord says, “and go forth and make disciples.” Taught ones. This is not a class in a church with a teacher to send us from door-to-door, though some have done that and are successful. This is a heart for those who are suffering. Go and save in the name and power of Christ. Need anything else need to be said? I think not.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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