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“He’s not coming back to rescue us. He’s coming back because we prepared the way.” |
PRAYER IS our most effective weapon. Communication with God on the behalf of others (intercession) and speaking authority over the situations around us is given to us through the Spirit of God placed within us because of Jesus Christ. But prayer alone, without any other knowledge and revelation, is like swimming upside down, backwards in a river. Prayer must be done on the basis of the truth in the Word – that knowledge and revelation.
We can pray down fire from heaven and not have any idea how to handle what we’ve been given. God delights in manifestations amongst us, but He hungers even more for those to be the result of what we’ve learned. Throw a baseball to a toddler and he probably won’t catch it nor if he tosses it back to you, will it go as far as what an adult could do. Nor would you give a young child a hammer and say, “Go to it.” He’s going to hit the wrong thing and that might be you. God is wise, the source of wisdom, for that matter. He acts only to the degree we can take hold and go forward in strength with what He’s given.
Many pray for a move of God, a “revival,” with only the intent to attend its unusual services, once in a while. But true revival starts at home in your prayer closet, just you and God. It begins with worship. You place Him where He belongs, exalted as God of heaven and earth, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He reaches out to you with His presence and peace comes and joy comes, and revelation of the Word comes. We seek Him at home, we read His Word at home, we sing His praises at home, and then because we are so full, when we come together, the Spirit manifests Himself amongst us in great power and glory. But empty vessels seated in comfortable pews only make rattling noises.
He is living water. We wade in with the intent to swim in His current. But it is His current, not one we have manufactured. This isn’t a simulation pool but the Maker of the oceans. We are not riding high on emotions but digging in deep based on the Word we’ve placed in our hearts. A healing movement manifests because healing is taught, and not healing like a school subject, but the Healer. Not faith absent of God, but faith IN God. When we teach Jesus, faith will rise and the Spirit, who adores Jesus, will touch many through us.
THIS IS THE DAY AND THE HOUR OF A MOVE OF THE SPIRIT AMONGST THE PEOPLE, THE SPIRIT OF GOD SAYS. Not one dedicated to the following of men, nor of the power and anointing laid upon particular men, but of His power and anointing within all of us. “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel … lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:15, 18),” was to all those listening, all who heard Jesus’ speak that commission. You know the Word of the Healer. You know His precepts and principles. So you pray in faith and believe for that one there with you. In the church, in the marketplace, in your homes.
We’re waiting on people to come into the church, when we have been told to “go ye into all the world.” We’re not building bigger buildings to attract new congregants. We are personally the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are made to hold His presence and our spirits to work with our mind to share His love and goodness with those around us who are hurting, and if we find we can turn a blind eye and walk away from them, then we are wrong because Jesus laid hands on the sick until everyone there was healed. He healed them all. We must raise our standards to the level of His works because we are told to go and do even greater works. What’s greater than ALL? All of us doing ALL. Let’s stop pushing demons around and use our authority to get rid of them forever. That’s what Jesus did with the Gadarene. He sent them into the deep.
The more impossible it is, the more God will do it. He marched Israel to the Red Sea where it wasn’t possible to get across or, because of the Egyptians pursuing them, to turn around. He picked Abraham and Sarah, who were too old to conceive a child. He used Mary who was a virgin. He asked a man with a withered arm to stretch out his hand because the religious leaders were watching for Him to heal someone on the Sabbath day. He never touched the man, but the man was made whole. He raised a man dead for four days in front of a crowd of onlookers.
Meanwhile, we’re pulling down the shades, so the world doesn’t notice. We turn a blind eye to the world’s agenda and then realize how much territory they’ve taken in the spiritual world. As long as we stand in the background, letting the devil do what he wants, and we take no stand against him in prayer and authority, fueled by our knowledge of the Word, we will lose ground and have no room to complain about how small we are. God asks us to COME UP HIGHER. To stand on the Word in the power of the Spirit and go forward as the spotless bride, changing the world around us.
We have a part to play. We are not some princess, sitting on a golden cushion, waiting for our handsome bridegroom to do everything for us. We get dressed in righteousness and holiness. We pick up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We hold the shield of faith. We put on the shoes of the good news of peace which came to earth in the face of Jesus Christ, who defeated the enemy, so that we can follow after Him, looking and acting like Him. Each one of us. All of us. The church. The bride. And then He will return for us, not to save us again, but to redeem the earth with His presence and put an end to death forever because His bride prepared the way.
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)
Image by Judas Isariot from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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