Shut up. Speak up.

"How we speak about what's happening must be in faith."

HALF ARGUES to sit back and say nothing. The other half says we must speak out and stand firm. Which is right? Both, but for opposite reasons.

Where matters of faith are, we must speak out. Where our confession of the future is, we must say nothing. What we speak, and how we don’t speak, are both reflected from the heart of God. What is His desire in these matters? Did we bother to find out or are we choosing it for ourselves? My mother told me a story of a woman who said “God told me to” in regards to doing something strange. My question inwardly was where did the woman get the idea that she thought it was God? Where do we hear, from our minds? Is this creativity we insist on simply an idea “gone to seed,” or was it God speaking to our heart?

These matters leak into prophecies and then we begin to argue. Who said that which we heard? What is their reputation? Can they be trusted? Here’s a newsflash. In life, God is always FOR YOU. He is not going to prophecy disaster unless you are seriously on the wrong track and even then, the prophetic words will lead you toward Him, not push you away. He prophesied repentance to Israel on repeat. They ignored it and instead had false prophets say what they want to hear.

This opens the prophetic can of worms because we’re back to people saying off the top of their head what isn’t God or, as that woman, insisting God told her to do what wasn’t God at all. Or didn’t seem to be. Humility is another key. How much of what you are doing is to promote yourself? In writing books, some self-promotion is needed, as in any business idea, as well. But God promotes Himself by answered prayer. Here are Jesus’ words in the gospel of John. Ask and I will answer, so that my Father will be glorified.

Does that prophetic word-slash-action glorify God or promote fear and anxiety? There’s another key the prophecy is out-of-order. God doesn’t send fear – EVER. And someone says here, “God convicts, not condemns.” This is true, but we must know the difference. One is Spirit-led, the other is flesh-led. Minister Jesse Duplantis tells of delivering a woman from a demon that she had been tormented with after a church told her she dressed inappropriately. Think of this for a moment. She went to church and was rejected because of her clothing. That is condemnation. We have no right to reject anyone from entering for any reason unless they are violent and spewing rage, in order words, for our physical safety. People come to church to find God, and there, God speaks to them, however they need to hear it. God does the speaking. We show love.

Circling back to politics. Our mouths get us in trouble. There is a place to hear the news, and a way to process it, and a good majority of the time to TURN IT OFF and walk in the words of Scripture and speak only the words of Scripture. We gossip about it too much. Or we sit and say nothing. When a policy promotes ungodliness, someone needs to speak up and that needs to be the church. But not in belligerence and hatred. We must stay like Christ. Yes, He turned over the tables of the moneychangers, but He said all His words and actions were the Father’s words and actions (John 14:10). There is the difference.

We cannot do in the flesh what we feel like doing and assume an apology will fix it. Dig a ditch and then you may have to fill it in. God is for America. God is healing America. People in America believe in ungodliness and promote ungodliness. How we speak about them, about what’s happening, must be in faith. From the pulpit, from the classroom, from our automobiles, from our couches. If you were seeking healing for the body, but you sat around saying, “Man, I’m sick.” That confession just substantiates sickness in your heart. Teaching on healing tells you to speak the Word, “By His stripes I am healed.”

This applies to every other area in our lives, including our national health. Speak what God says and that is not, “If my people are called by my name and humble themselves and pray and seek my face,” on repeat. We do not have to and should not stay in a permanent place of repentance. The songs tell us to kneel at the cross, but at some point, we need to exit the tomb. The Resurrection is today. Speak Resurrection. Not a headshaking sermon nor a fist-thumping one, all emotion and no Spirit.

Here’s another clue. When the Spirit speaks to one, He speaks to others, and it will match. If that word matches nothing, then you should seek His face on it. Not everything He says to you needs to be repeated. I’ve had Him tell me things before I hear it anywhere, then hearing it, I know it was definitely Him. I did not go out at that moment and start proclaiming it. Our need to talk really is a detriment most of the time. “Seek ye my face” is done silently most of the time. It is surrendering to God so He can speak and us listening.

Be the voice in the wilderness saying “Thus saith the Lord,” and what follows it looking and sounding like Jesus. Encourage, don’t discourage. Don’t take it on yourself to reorient someone’s life when you are not in a position of authority to do so, and if you are, know that you speak for God. Don’t ignore people. Show them love. Wave the flag knowing you live here. Pray in faith because you live here. Speak faith because you live here. And if what is pulsing in you isn’t from the Spirit, say nothing. He will applaud you.

“For the Lord is King of all, who takes charge of all the nations.” (Psalms 22:28 TPT)

“Solomon’s psalm. O God, make the king a godly judge like you and give the king’s son the gift of justice too. Help him to give true justice to your people, honorably and equally to all. Then the mountains of influence will be fruitful, and from your righteousness prosperity and peace will flow to all the people.” (Psalms 72:1-3 TPT)

“Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old.” (Micah 7:18-20)

“Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.” (Zechariah 8:3)

Image from Wikimedia Commons

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
