All of God

"God loses no creature, not one sparrow, and definitely not one child. And He will heal you."

NOTHING WORSE THAN standing at the counter and you got nothing but pocket change. There’s that delectable calling your name but you can’t have it because life’s left you empty. Million reasons why. Genetics, upbringing, job loss, and a thousand other things which factor into it. Doesn’t matter when you’re hungry for it and can’t have it. Nor does that guy’s happy face because he’s got one help you one bit. Instead in crawls jealousy. Anger. Depression.

Woman came from man, and man comes from woman. God who created the earth, created the womb so that from unity, from love, would come the generations that follow. He created the womb, and He blessed the womb. His Son was born from the womb of Mary. Though she’d not known her husband, Joseph, the Holy Spirit conceived in her a child free of sin.

For with God nothing is impossible.

It was not the first time God had done the miraculous in the womb of a woman. The prophet Samuel was born after his mother pleaded with God for a son and promised to dedicate him to God. The prophet Elisha blessed the Shunammite woman and her husband with a son. Then, when the child died at a young age, she sought out the prophet, held that promise over his head, and he came and raised her son from death. Sarah the wife of Abraham was barren and no longer of an age to conceive, yet God healed her womb, and she had Isaac. Rachel the wife of Jacob born him no children for quite some time, though her sister, Leah, had many children. God healed her, and she conceived Joseph and later, Benjamin. Elisabeth and Zacharias were barren and no longer praying for a son when God gave them the prophet John.

God designed the human body. He blessed the union of husband and wife with fruitfulness. He is our example of Fatherhood. He made mothers. Our heavenly Father delights in children. He is the Protector of the unborn, and the Healer of both man and woman, so they can conceive. Abraham was eighty-six when Ishmael was born and 100 when Isaac was born. From the barren came nations. From the womb of a virgin came the Son of God.

Motherhood is misconceived by the world. Some hold no value in a child’s life, and others neglect their offspring. Too many. Leaving people to pick the life of their children as a weight worth carrying. There are single fathers who through circumstance have had to embrace motherhood. Daddy’s dancing ballet with his daughter because Mama’s not there to do it. There are women who are not mothers in the flesh yet have many children who adore them. There are grandparents who are parents to a second generation.

The most precious woman to our Savior, the Son of God, is His mother. A woman believed what no one else would believe, what everyone would have condemned her for, and He was born. God sent God to earth to be born of woman, instead of conquering with angelic troops and a sea of well-armed heavenly steeds. I heard a truth last night from Minister Bill Johnson. He pointed out that both Jesus’ birth and His death were humble, as a servant. He was born in a stable, not a castle. He washed His disciples’ feet. He laid down His life voluntarily on the cross. How powerful this is!

Jesus adores children, and He wants you to have as many as your heart desires. There is no law of man that should stop you from conceiving and giving birth. There is no medical reason to deny yourself carrying a child to term. In a vision of heaven, Minister Jesse Duplantis saw the souls of babies begging to come to earth. Now, this may be misunderstood by some, but the Spirit of God asks you to trust Him. There is so much we do not know of heavenly things. Heaven is full of children, those who desire to be born, those who were aborted, those who died at a tender age. God loses no creature, not one sparrow, and definitely not one child. And He will heal you.

Trust Him and believe that He is trustworthy. His heart is generosity, is healing to you, and when you pray, believe He will grant your request, healing your womb, healing your reproduction in both male and female, and blessing you with His greatest gift to us. Life. Because that is who He is. And that is the reward of a husband and wife—childhood. It is us who are rewarded with them, and our children who deserve all the honor we can give. Nothing is more highly prized than the laughter of a child who knows he is loved and has all of God’s life before him, within him.

No one is more blessed than those given the love of God through the embrace of a child who adores them. For no other reason than that you love them back.

From the barren places, God can and will produce much fruit. From the wasteland will come a forest and a garden of abundance that provides for future generations, and your life as it is today, longing for what the devil says you cannot have, will be far from you and filled with the sunrise instead. Infinite sunrises and the joy of your heart, leaping and dancing at your side.

“Children are a gift from the LORD, a reward from a mother's womb.” (Psalm 127:3 ERV)

“Your wife will be like a healthy vine producing plenty of fruit, a spring of life in your home. Your children will be like young olive shoots; you will watch them bud and bloom around your table.” (Psalm 128:3 VOICE)

Image by DIY Team from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
