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"God doesn't mess things up. We do." |
HOLD THIS HAIR and let’s see if I can split it. No, no, I think I can pull it off. Then we’ll just see which side is blonde and which side is gray. Or how about this? We’ll just try to manually separate soul and spirit. Joints and marrow? No? Anyone, anyone? Oooh, I get it. We’ll let the Word of God do that. Ding-ding! You win the prize! You win six days and nights with the Holy Spirit. Eternity. I meant to say eternity. (When you split a hair, you win something obvious.) Tomorrow, we’re going to mix oil and water. No, really.
There are things only God can do, things only God needs to do, and responsibilities He’s given only us to do. It’s important we know the difference as it fits our behavior toward Him and toward people. Conviction of sin is His job, not ours. We don’t convict, we condemn, or we shouldn’t condemn but when we try to convict that’s what comes out – condemnation. God is patient and longsuffering and full of love. He’s going to do a much better job of drawing someone to salvation. We pray, thanking Him for His work in So-and-So, and show His love to them. By not opening our big, fat mouth and saying the wrong thing, either in that condemnation or by bragging on ourselves. Did you know that when someone is hurting it makes it worse when you say how great your life is? This seems obvious, but we do it all the time.
We are supposed to walk in the Spirit, which includes knowing what to say, when to say it, or when to just say nothing. He loves to talk to us, but if you are a blabbermouth, He will not say quite as much. Let’s pretend you have two children. One is a leaky faucet and the other difficult to “turn on.” Which one are you most likely to tell that family secret to? Well, most parents would keep most things to themselves, but say it was something they were mature enough for except for the talking thing. Yeah, believe it or not, God loves us, and He loves our personalities, but He also isn’t going to speak secrets to someone who routinely mouths off. There is a part of our obedience that requires silence.
The gifts of the Spirit are an example. The Spirit gives them as He wills and part of that “as” is that someone will use what He says wisely. People do have feelings and God NEVER EVER (EVER) hurts people’s feelings. He would rather not speak than cause anyone to be confused or afraid. In fact, He will not speak if that is the result. He will comfort and give peace. God doesn’t mess things up. We do. And that is my point. Sometimes, our eagerness to do the work of God causes us to get out ahead of God. And to split those hairs. We become so focused on the steps in front of us that we can’t see those aren’t Jesus’ footprints. We become so intent on what we’re reading in the Word of God that it becomes a mental debate instead of a revelation of the Spirit. The apostle Paul spoke of this – the Jews need to debate over circumcision and the Law when all of that had been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Our debates get us crosswise to the truth. We start to think we’re God’s method of correction (and we have the verses lined up to assure us of it) and “love your neighbor” becomes a distant echo. That is the commandment which sums up all the others. Anything done outside of love is our pride clenched tight like some giant spiritual eraser. Trust me on this. The Holy Spirit can handle anything people are doing. What He needs from us is the freedom to do it and the love of the church for that one. Which circles me back around to those few split hairs. Is it really worth tearing someone down to prove your point? Did that preacher show up faithfully, prepare His sermon in a genuine heart for God, and speak what He was convicted of? Or were you looking for an issue to pick on?
Yeah, maybe that one said the wrong thing and you were not the only one to notice it, but did you bother to pray for Him (and I don’t mean something hateful)? Pray a blessing. Pray He has wisdom and revelation that He needs. Pray you do. Wonk-wonk. You didn’t like that one. But I can remember hearing a sermon once that I mostly didn’t agree with, and the Spirit convicted me. When I stopped and listened for what was correct, I learned something from that speaker. When we all get to heaven, as they say, it won’t matter anymore. We’ll learn the truth of our errors on earth and be so full of the love of God and the love for each other, we won’t even think of that.
We should live on earth that way. Pretend you’re in heaven and just about to speak to Mr. Wonderful who you didn’t like on earth. Pretend Jesus is watching.
“My old identity has been co-crucified with Messiah and no longer lives; for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine!” (Galatians 2:20 TPT)
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Space Image by pencil parker from Pixabay
Background Image by M Youri Alkayyis from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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