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"Today, I will look nothing like the devil because my Savior has said He will never leave me or forsake me, and the last thing I will do is have Him look at me and see the enemy that He’s defeated." |
TODAY, I WILL LOOK NOTHING LIKE THE DEVIL. I set aside ego and self-importance and choose meekness and humility. Where I would take first place, I give that to another. They have the best seat, the best place in line, that last item. I set down my emotions and feelings, all chance to be offended, and instead extend the love of God. Where anger pushes at me, I deliberately respond with peace. I speak peace and walk in peace, even if that requires letting go of facts I could claim. My knowledge or their ignorance are neither one a factor in disrupting my peace. I choose to show peace and give the other person peace.
Today, I will look nothing like the devil. I will walk in physical and mental health. I am a child of God, recreated in Christ Jesus. All sickness and disease is under the blood. All mental infirmity and confusion is under the blood. I have within me the Spirit of wisdom, the power of the Resurrection that raised the dead. This same power working within me quickens, or brings to life, my mortal body. What was dead or dysfunctioning now lives and flourishes, works completely and entirely as God created it to function. Where my thoughts have been wearied or twisted, where my questions seem to be unanswered or I lack knowledge, I know that my wonderful heavenly Father adores me and gives me all I need to prosper.
“If any of you don’t understand God’s methods, if any are confused in your thinking or lack wisdom, ask God —who doesn’t cast blame, but enthusiastically gives wisdom to all who ask—and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5 Remedy)
Today, I will look nothing like the devil. I will not lack. I have within me the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep. He took upon Himself all that sin and death had done to me and pours out up on me His eternal life. It is both a quantity of life and a quality of life such as only the Almighty God could bestow, exceeding in measure, abundant in promise, and far over and beyond all I could ask or think. What looks like a deficiency in my finances is simply a greater path to a bigger blessing. For with God nothing is impossible.
Today, I will look nothing like the devil because my Savior has said He will never leave me or forsake me, and the last thing I will do is have Him look at me and see the enemy that He’s defeated. And He defeated Him entirely and completely. He condemned sin and the devil and has raised me up to sit with Him in heavenly places, far over and above all principalities and powers and might and dominion. All things are under His feet, so all things are under my feet. I look not at natural circumstances nor abilities but at who Christ is in me.
Today, I will look nothing like the devil, but entirely and completely like Jesus. I will be His hands and feet extended to those around me, calm in nature, unflappable under pressure, unshaken in the midst of any national, political, or financial turmoil, completely confident in the future God has set out for me. I will rejoice and have joy in all things. I will laugh, even though it seems unlaughable, for the joy of the Lord is my strength and laughter doeth good like a medicine. The Spirit of God within me is the spirit of joy. I choose joy today. I choose blessing today. I choose to press forward toward the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus and will only look back to see the victories.
“I pray that out of the glorious riches that emanate from his being, and through the working of his Spirit in your minds, you will be fully transformed into Christlikeness and so settled into God’s methods and principles that you cannot be shaken,” (Ephesians 3:16 Remedy)
Today, I am a child of heaven and that is my home. Today, I am wise and discerning, intimate with my Savior, abiding in the secret place, where no evil shall befall me, and no plague come nigh my dwelling. Today, I am at rest in all situations, around all people. Today, I will be careful for nothing. No anxiety, no unrest or fear will have any foothold within me. I rout it out and refuse it a place. For my heavenly Father cares for me. He so loved the world that He sent His only Son to die so that I might live in His love, every second of every minute of this day. I will not dwell on evil today, for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, but I walk by faith, my trust in THE MOST TRUSTWORTHY ONE of all, that He is, and He was, and He is to come, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. He has declared the end, and there is no death or sorrow in it.
Today, I declare an ending to all affliction, turmoil, financial struggles, family turmoil, or marital disruption. Today, I speak peace over my children according to Isaiah 54:13. My children are taught of the Lord and conformable to His will. They walk in wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, with a clean conscience, making wise choices, full of the Spirit of God. I speak blessing over this next generation of my family that what they will see in me is Him and what He sees in them is the foundation I have laid in them.
Today, February 8, 2024, I, Suzanne D. Williams, do not look like or sound like the devil. I do not react like the devil or respond to him with anything but the Word of God and the authority given me in Luke 10:19. I tread upon serpents and scorpions, young lions, dragons, and any other demonic being that would try to keep me from experiencing the fullness of the victory that is mine in Christ Jesus. For today and tomorrow and every day in my glorious future, nothing shall separate me from love of God that is found in Jesus nor the peace and well-being that He died to bring.
“May God himself, the heavenly Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, release grace over you and impart total well-being into your lives.” (Ephesians 1:2, TPT)
“You’ll walk unharmed among lions and snakes, and kick young lions and serpents from the path.” (Psalm 91:13 MSG)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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