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"We are conduits of eternal life." |
OUR THOUGHTS DISTRACT US, turning us in every direction, most of them away from God’s principles. He gave us a mind to make decisions, to create with, to organize things, and to learn. But though our spirit man is made new at salvation, our mind is not. We must work to change how we think. It is a continuous effort, daily, we spend time in the Word, and the power of its words is living water to our soul. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” Sometimes, what we are thinking is pushing against our knowledge of God and until we determine to set that thinking aside, we will not enter into all God has planned for us.
Our image of God’s desires for men is paltry and insufficient. The Spirit of God asked me to read Revelation recently, and being honest, much of it escapes me, but what I gathered and hold to is that God has prepared us for it. We have, in Christ, all we need to enter into a blessed eternity. Eternity is forever, this earth is not. But God has a plan to renew the earth and to recreate the human body so we’ll be like Jesus. Simply put, one day, He will consume it all in His presence. All flesh will be filled with Him, every mind will belong to Him, as every spirit man is in His image with salvation. Not that we will be automatons and unthinking, but that He will be everything and all death and sin gone because He fills the atmosphere.
What a beautiful picture that is! And so much bigger than what we could dream. That the God who created the world in six days (and He could have done it in a moment), will make of what is withered and decayed something vibrant and green, and all that we are will be His.
He has not left us to struggle in the meantime, but cleanses our thoughts through the power of His words. No word He speaks is void of power but all go forth to do what He’s said, and this includes what He says through us. We are conduits of eternal life. This is not simply a length of time but a quality of life. I once asked the Holy Spirit why He took six days at Creation. He replied, “I created time to end time.” We are told in Isaiah 46:10 that He declares “the end from the beginning.” From the start, before He said, “Light be,” and Light was, He knew Revelation’s story.
And He, who did that, knows our very frame, that we are dust. He knows us in our mother’s womb and has planned our days. He knows our thoughts before we speak them (Psalm 139:1). Like a gentle Father, He guides us ahead, disciplining us when we take one of those alternate paths. But, here’s the thing, we must be listening. We must seek His voice and desire to know Him, and then the promises of the Scripture will come to light.
I trust God’s goodness in Revelation, though the imagery is vast, because I know how gentle and loving He is. I know how patient and longsuffering. That even when I’m in a frazzle, He is there to smooth out the wrinkles, especially those strongholds I’ve clung to which keep His fullness from living in me. We can hold Him at arm’s length or embrace Him fully and surrender our will, our pride, to Him. I have learned that what is uncomfortable is worth pushing myself through for the reward of better thinking and being a stronger person. For being closer to Him, and there lies the true glory of the present and the future. That God loves us and desires our perfection, something only attainable because He is involved in it, and He was willing to give His own life to recreate ours.
“I pray that out of the glorious riches that emanate from his being, and through the working of his Spirit in your minds, you will be fully transformed into Christlikeness and so settled into God’s methods and principles that you cannot be shaken,” (Ephesians 3:16)
Image by MJ Jin from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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