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"Who would build a boat having never seen rain?" |
THE WORLD had devolved into chaos. Man fought against man. Perversion claimed the land. Save for 8 souls, righteousness seemed to have failed. Goodness, godliness, faded into yet another dark sky.
Made in God’s image and after His likeness, filled with the presence of God at recreation, though men walked and talked the same, they thought differently; men didn’t resemble their Creator at all now. Where He was goodness, love and joy, they’d become greed and selfish gain; hatred spun rife from angry voices, and scoffing spat at the one who preached God, despite everything said.
That man didn’t know what was planned, not fully. He’d been instructed in his task, the chore told him by the Master, and he trusted His words. Yet not having seen what was to come, the fullness of it escaped him. He continued anyway, and the architecture grew, immense on the skyline. And the laughter pursued it. And the truth grew larger with time’s passing.
Time did pass, and the boat planted at the man’s feet became a testament both to the decay of the world and to the mercy of the future. That there was mercy showed in the craftsmanship, in the shape and form of it, and in the promise made to him that of all those the world, whose image of God had been obscured, decayed, distorted by deception, he and his wife, his children, alone would be saved.
Who would believe such? Who would build a boat having never seen rain? Who would endure years, years, years of doubts and laughing at the expense of others and yet continue to build, continue to believe? Who would plan his entire future on an event he didn’t understand, hadn’t seen before, and which grew in immensity the more he worked? The world would not be, not the land, not the trees, not the creatures, save for those on the boat, none would survive. Not the people. He walked amongst them, reflected God upon them, and knew they were destined for destruction, yet lost not his faith.
Here was love indeed. Love immense. Love sustainable. Love incredible.
The rains came one day and fell in continuance, and the sky lowered and the ground rose, and the boat which had held up under opinion and speculation became the only source of freedom from what was beginning to fall. But the man and his family were sealed within it; God Himself had closed the door, and though others called out, though they rang, there was no salvation anymore.
We see here an image of the truth, of the Greater One to come, a Savior who would lift men from the darkness they were locked in. From waters so deep that not a mountain showed, and only those who God had prepared would, when the rain ceased, remain. But in that they remained, we see cleansing, we see peace. We see regrowth, multiplication, increase; and the time ending, the people standing alone on new land, we see rebirth. Not just seven days, the seventh being the Sabbath, but eight souls, seven plus one, and that one something new, and the heavens above them, from end to end ribboned in light such as had never been.
Such is God, who that saved them, who created them, who would one day be one of them.
“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Genesis 6:8)
“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40)
Image by dlsd cgl from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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