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"Amen. So be it. There are 365 days to live this year. I will live them fully and live them well." |
AMEN. SO BE IT. This is January 1, 2024, and God is on the throne. Jesus is alive and living in my heart. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in me and has come upon me with evidence of speaking in tongues. When I pray in the Spirit, it’s God praying the will of God to God, and the enemy has no idea what I’m saying. The Word of God is truth. Amen. So be it. These truths center my life. Jesus is my focus. The Spirit is my Guide. And my friend. The Father is the greatest of all, and He loves me.
Amen. So be it. There are 365 days to live this year. I will live them fully and live them well. Where I stumble, if I stumble, God will right me, stand me on my feet again, and send me forward, forgiven, healed, and free. Amen. So be it. This year, Jesus is Healer. This year, by His stripes I am healed. This year, He lifts up and takes away all of my burdens, griefs, sorrows, and distresses. This year, I will be careful for nothing. But with everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving I will make my requests known unto God, and His peace which passes all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Amen. So be it. This year, I will sit at the table, though there may be enemies, and I will dine and laugh and rejoice in it. Having rejoiced in the Lord, I will rejoice again. For this year, the joy of the Lord is my strength. He is my rock, my safety, my strong tower. My liberating King. Amen. So be it. This year, I will dwell in the secret place of the Almighty, and there, in that place of His glory, standing in His amazing presence, I will not see, experience, nor fear evil because He is my Keeper, and He preserves my soul.
Amen. So be it. This year, no plague will come nigh my dwelling. Not COVID in any variant, nor any other manmade or natural virus or disease communicated in any manner whatsoever. It will not live on my skin, will not travel in my car, nor go in the door of my house. Not on me nor my family nor anyone who comes to visit. This year, I will not fear because the Lord is my light and my salvation, so there is nothing to fear. In Him, I am confident. In Him, I am protected. In Him, I am blessed.
Amen. So be it. This year will be a year of abundance, of restoration, of the completion of my victory. This year, God will return to me the years the locust has eaten. I will receive in return every dream and vision the enemy has blocked. I will receive in return every revelation which this battle has prevented. I will have more-than-enough in my finances, in my relationships, in my writing. For this year, I have favor with God and with man. This year, I walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. I rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance for my every step, my every breath. Amen. So be it.
Amen. So be it. This year, I am redeemed from the hand of the enemy. This year, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This year, I am an overcoming child of God. This year, I am a tree planted by the rivers of water. I will bear fruit in every season, fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. This year, let Christ be seen in me. May people hear me and hear Jesus, see me and see Jesus. May they feel God’s presence and the peace of God come upon them. And should any of them ask me the reason of the hope that is within me, I know the Holy Spirit will give me the words I need for that person in that place at that hour.
Amen. So be it. This year, I will go ye into the world I live in, amongst the people the Lord leads me into, and preach the gospel with the words He gives to me. And these signs shall follow my belief, I will lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I will cast out devils and they will flee. I will speak with new tongues, moving from one glory into the next, never looking backward except to see victory, always looking forward to the path God has set before me, in the ways He has given to me. This year, I will show the character, nature, and goodness of God to all who meet me.
Amen. So be it. May the Amen, the One who is, who was, and who is to come bless these words of mine and make me usable. May the Craftsman sing His song through me into others. May the Author write these words and many others through me. May the King be King over all nations in the hearts of men who adore Him. May God’s will be done this year, 2024, as He has decreed it.
Amen. So be it.
Psalm 18 (19), Knox
“See how the skies proclaim God’s glory, how the vault of heaven betrays his craftsmanship! Each day echoes its secret to the next, each night passes on to the next its revelation of knowledge; no word, no accent of theirs that does not make itself heard, till their utterance fills every land, till their message reaches the ends of the world. In these, he has made a pavilion for the sun, which comes out as a bridegroom comes from his bed, and exults like some great runner who sees the track before him. Here, at one end of heaven, is its starting-place, and its courses reaches to the other; none can escape its burning heat. The Lord’s perfect law, how it brings the soul back to life; the Lord’s unchallengeable decrees, how they make the simple learned! How plain are the duties which the Lord enjoins, the treasure of man’s heart; how clear is the commandment the Lord gives, the enlightenment of man’s eyes! How sacred a thing is the fear of the Lord, which is binding for ever; how unerring are the awards which the Lord makes, one and all giving proof of their justice! All these are more precious than gold, than a hoard of pure gold, sweeter than the honey, dripping from its comb. By these I, thy servant, live, observing them how jealously! And yet, who knows his own frailties? If I have sinned unwittingly, do thou absolve me. Keep me ever thy own servant, far from pride; so long as this does not lord it over me, I will yet be without fault, I will yet be innocent of the great sin. Every word on my lips, every thought in my heart, what thou wouldst have it be, O Lord, my defender, my redeemer!”
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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