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"An overflow of joy spills over onto other people." |
NOT UNTIL A CONTAINER OVERFLOWS is it truly full. To be full of joy is to have more than enough. In John 15, Jesus was preparing His disciples for what was about to happen. He speaks of the joy they had with Him as something that would remain to sustain them. Psalm 23:5 says in the Lord our Shepherd, our cup overflows. There again, we see what God has prepared for us as spilling over. We are to live as it states in Ephesians 3, with God’s goodness to us “exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think.” Jesus also speaks of abundance in John 10:10. He came to bring life more abundantly. We think of this as money, but God’s life in us is eternal. Every place His life touches becomes fruitful. This was His command to creation in Genesis, to be fruitful and multiply, to replenish the earth.
An overflow of joy spills over onto other people. They become joyful because we are joyful. Joy heals heartache, it cleanses the mind of turmoil, it is medicine to the soul. God’s joy is described in Philippians 4:8. Here, we find a list of things to think on. Think on what is true, what is honest, what is just, what is pure, what is lovely, what is of good report, full of virtue and worthy of praise. What a beautiful description of our Savior. No one is more honest and just and worthy of our praises than Him. He bids us to have so much of His joy it cannot be contained. In His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (Ps 16:11).
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” (John 15:11)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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