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"Jesus came to earth to make the way to the Father plain to us, so that the Father could walk the path of life with us, giving generously of all that He is." |
THE WALK OF FAITH is not a magical walkway along a golden road. But a journey walked by our heavenly Father. Father God knows the remotest corner of the world that He created. He has trodden mountain ridges and the valleys far below. He knows the ocean depths and the finest parts of the creatures that live there. He can count the grains of sand at the seashore and knows the trajectory of the sun. He is not distant and too distracted by the pomp of the throne, too consumed by the host of angelic beings surrounding Him, to bother with earth. He adores its creations and the nations that have formed across its landscape. As it is today, fraught with decay, it will no longer be one day. He called it good in the beginning and has already set in motion plans to restore it to the glory of its perfection. All creation groans for this, every living being, every plant and animal waiting for the Resurrection of the sons of men.
Psalm 121 says, the Lord is my Keeper. The Lord Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit. And the Father. Jesus called the Father “Lord” many times. He relied on Him to do the work He had come to earth to complete. He walked by faith, as a human, born in a physical body, sustained by God. He was God; He did not stop being God, but prayed and fasted and worshiped like His people, the Jews. He was dedicated in the temple on the eighth day. He was found there, age twelve, inquiring of the religious leaders. He spoke in the synagogue following His baptism. He observed all the feasts and sacrifices which He had, long before, written.
The Lord is my Keeper does not require anything of me but to believe. Jesus, who lived on earth, is now Lord of all to the glory of God, the Father. He was the Christ then, in His earthly life, and He is the Resurrected Christ, the Anointed One, today, perfectly united with the Spirit in great power. He came to earth to make the way to the Father plain to us, so that the Father could walk the path of life with us, giving generously of all that He is. He fulfilled the Old Covenant Laws so that we could go to the Father in prayer, and so that the Father could come here to us. The Father as God, and the Father as Jehovah and the great I Am. But also as Abba, Papa, Daddy, our kind, loving Father for all those moments, good and bad, which come our way.
“Jesus answered gently, ‘I am the Way back to my Father. I am the Truth revealing my Father’s character and the principles upon which life is based; I am the Source of all life. I am the Bridge, and no one comes to the Father except through me—because all truth revealing the Father has been provided by me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well, for the Father and I are One. From now on, you do know him and have seen him, for I am the Father’s thoughts made visible and audible.’” (John 14:6-7 Remedy)
God is Spirit, not flesh, not a physical body, and so He must be worshipped and be spoken to in the spirit. This does not mean in some mystical way. We can speak to him with our mouth, but also, we speak to Him in our reborn spirit man. When we accept Jesus into our heart as Lord and Savior, His shed blood is placed over our sins where the Father cannot see them anymore. What we have done is cleansed forever. What we will do is forgiven, whenever we turn to Him and repent. The Holy Spirit comes to live in us at salvation. He is the Breath of the Father. He speaks to us of Jesus the wisdom of the Father, and He enables us to walk every day in the fullness of God's graciousness. It is because of the Father's love for us that Jesus came to earth. It was to obey the Father's will that Jesus died. It was to return us to our Father's side that He was raised from the dead.
Just as we can call our earthly father, just as we can speak to him, we can talk to our Father in heaven and hear Him reply. Only a lack of awareness prevents us, only our dullness of hearing keeps us from daily, minute-by-minute conversation. Conversation that they long to have. I talk to God the way my father talks to me. Papa God is as real to me, as approachable, and as much “in person”. When I talk to Him, I say what I would say the way I tend to say it, Southernisms and all, and He laughs at my silliness and is warmed by my affection. My Father in heaven is as in love with me, His daughter, as my earthly dad. My dad and I share common habits. He and I can both fall sleep in the midst of anything at the drop of a hat. Papa God and I share habits as well. He is love, so I am loving. He is patient, so I can endure and trust His timing. We share memories. He knows me, in and out, has been with me through everything. We share holidays and every-days.
Jesus made the way possible, and that was the Father’s desire. He longed to be to me and you as much a perfect Father as He’d desired mankind to become. The more we determine to see Him in our daily lives, the more we speak to Him knowing He is there, the more we accept His unconditional love for us even if we haven’t quite fixed all of our behavior yet, the easier we will hear Him reply and the more we will know, even when He's quiet, that He is listening and He has for us the finest and best future planned, with Him to share it.
“So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth.” (Ephesians 3:14-15 TPT)
“I have told you this so that you may be completely restored to the Father’s original ideal for mankind—to unity with him—and you may then experience the joy I have known in my unity with the Father; and then your joy will be complete also.” (John 15:11 Remedy)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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