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"God needs no one to replace Him, and in all things, He will always be infinitely greater." |
I stared at the wall until it became a palace, not coated in flaking paint from yesterday's human efforts, but inlaid with gold and precious stones.
I stared at the sky until the clouds became an army of angelic hosts descending to earth before me, in gleaming white, upon the earth.
LOOK AT ANYTHING hard enough and our mind begins to tell a story. Mine writes dramatic endings to many things I see. I ignore it, for the most part. I am trained in writing fiction. Give me three objects and I can write a paragraph. God LOVES creativity, when properly used. But men without God's wisdom have been using their minds to figure things out with the wrong conclusion for eons.
Stir in ego and incorrect beliefs, a dash of the devil in your ear, and suddenly what God intended for our good has become mental bondage. From men's reasoning has come such extremes as Pharoah's and Hitlers. Those who would be themselves gods. God needs no one to replace Him, and in all things, He will always be infinitely greater.
This applies in smaller ways to our everyday thinking. We put our ideas above God's and ignore Him. We misunderstand Him. We take that crack in the wall and decide God must be speaking through it when it could simply be there because time caused it. And those clouds are just clouds, although angels are everywhere around us.
WHY, GOD WHY? becomes a cry of our heart. The answer is found in the Word of God. WHY could be because we need to use more patience. We need to lean on Him and not our timetable. WHY could be because He has something greater than what we have planned out. Maybe instead of driving a clunker, He has something brand new planned.
We ask why then give Him our answer, carrying on a one-sided conversation that leaves Him no place to speak. Sometimes it looks one way to us, but from His perspective, it looks another. We must still our thoughts and COME UP HIGHER to His point of view. He has seated us in heavenly places, but we are still looking at life from ground level. Or we're standing at His side, gazing ahead, we know where we are in Christ, but we're not letting Him explain it to us. Instead, since we have this new viewpoint, it must all mean this or that. We’ve decided the ending.
We must LET GOD BE GOD. He loves us and is so approachable. He adores spending time with us. He hungers for our worship. But worship means He is lifted higher, and we submit ourselves to Him. So that He can do in us and through us what often we don't yet understand. When things don't seem to make sense, instead of taking His place, we enter Hid presence and sit and wait for Him to speak. We listen for His voice. We become aware of Him. And we lay down what we would do to help ourselves in light of His work in us.
I promise you, He will answer. He will give you understanding and wisdom for whatever you are facing. But it will be His wisdom and not our own. He will build an actual castle with His flag flying high upon it, instead of one we have crafted for ourselves out of sand.
I STARED AT THE PAGE and a sea of King James "thees" and "thous" and wondered what it all meant. On the surface, it made sense, from within my own reasoning. But I knew the Spirit had sent me here for something greater. What did He see that He wanted me to grasp hold of? I'd discovered the gospels had a pattern to them, that its stories were not randomly placed but exact and specific. I gazed again and remembered how the gospel began. Mark 1:1, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Mark 16:9, "Now when Jesus was risen." The gospel of Mark begins with Jesus revealing the Holy Spirit. It ends with the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus.
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." (Revelation 22:13)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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