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YOU KNOW, the man wrote, Jesus is a Jew, not a Christian. I stared at those words in disbelief. Yes, Jesus is a Jew, a son of Abraham, a descendant of David. But Jesus is THE CHRIST. He is the One we, Christians, worship. He is God who came to earth to die and rise from death, conqueror over the enemy, so that we could become CHRISTIANS.
Jesus is a Jew. He is King of the Jews. King of Israel. Born of Mary and Joseph, He is also High Priest of the Temple, which design in every part pictures Him. He was the design of the tabernacle before it. He was the Passover Lamb and the unleavened bread. Every festival Israel celebrates is a picture of what He did or will still do.
“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” (Matthew 1:1)
But Jesus is a Christian. Jesus was the first-begotten from the dead. He is the firstfruits of the Resurrection. He was the tithe given by God to God so that the sons and daughters who would follow would become holy. As He is holy, we are holy, and without His holiness, we could not see the Father, we would not have the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is a Jew. Jesus is our salvation. Jesus is a man who died a human death. Jesus was resurrected and crowned King over His people, Israel, over the Jews, and over all other nations. He is King from David's lineage, but He is Lord of him as well. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
“And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.” (Matthew 1:16)
Jesus is the Christ so that there would be Christians. He took on the weight of all the world's sins so that they would be eliminated from mankind entirely. He died a physical death but is the Life of God in the spirit of man. He is the Anointed One, and the Holy Spirit is the anointing which is upon Him. He was with Him without measure in His physical life and is united with Him completely as God.
Jesus is both Jewish and Christian. He is Messiah and Christ. He is a perfect representation of the Father. He is God the Son but also God Jehovah. He is "I am" and the Lamb the "I Am" sees instead of sin. He is Leviticus and Revelation. He was the fulfillment of the Old Covenant and the Creator of the New and better Covenant. He is the Word of God at the beginning of time and is the ending of it to come. He is the blood shed upon the altar and the glory of the Lord which shone upon the mercy seat.
“Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.” (Luke 3:38)
He is our daily bread, as He was the manna in the wilderness. He is our cup of communion, the wine squeezed out, and also the oil pressed in Gethsemane. He is the cup lifted to the Father and the one we hold which overflows. He is the Shepherd of the sheep who was a sheep in order to save the sheep.
He is the sacrifice, but He is the celebration. He was the bridegroom in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but He is the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation. He is the Lion of Judah and our Jewish Savior. He is also Lord of Hosts and Adonai. He both founded the nation of Israel and formed the land they were given.
He is the Creator in Genesis, the Seed of woman, and the Seed of Abraham. He created seeds and became a seed. He is man made in the image of God and God who the image was made after. He is God and the likeness of God.
He IS all things. He is IN all things, and to Him and for Him and by Him were all things created. Both us and Him. Both heaven and earth. Both our physical body and our spirit man. Both our soul (mind, will, and emotions) and the peace of God which fills it.
Without Him, we are nothing. With Him, we have heaven upon the earth. Because He is seated far above all principalities and powers and every name that is named, we are seated with Him in heavenly places. With Him, we are His fullness, because of Him, filling everything everywhere with who He is.
Because He is a Jew. Because He is Christ. Because we are Christians.
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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