
"A young man or woman taught the things of faith and the Spirit will lead their peers away from worldly culture toward success and into the proper governance of an adulthood which affects the generation to follow."

HEALTHY TEENS only become healthy adults through the God that is displayed to them. And God is only displayed to them through adults who are walking in the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Knowledge that only comes through study of the Word of God and worship in the Spirit of God. Maturity is needed in things of faith to have godly knowledge and understanding of what has been learned. Revelation comes upon continued study, and this man or woman of God will then pass on to the younger generation what they are needed to learn.

A young man or woman taught the things of faith and the Spirit will lead their peers away from worldly culture toward success and into the proper governance of an adulthood which affects the generation to follow. Each builds upon the former and on into the future, creating strong cities and prosperous people in which the Spirit of God reigns and the Spirit of Christ anoints to go forward and outward to do those things God has called for(th).

To complain of failure in the upbringing of our youth is to lack wisdom given freely by God and the love sent to earth by God for the increase and respect of all people. No man is alike, yet all are the same. No one is called separately from that which God has poured into His church. All gifts and promises given to men on behalf of God and to the children of God are for the betterment and continued prosperity of people as a whole and of society as it has formed in modern culture.

There is no truth (of God) lacking (unavailable to) anyone who seeks it, and it is truth (that is) needed for the generation, which you see with you, (for them) to prosper and have success, their youth grown in faith to the full stature of Christ through the knowledge poured into them by godly, able adults.

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
