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"God must be our solution, not our problem. He is who we turn to in order to find peace of mind, not to give Him a piece of our mind." |
I CAN’T do this anymore. I can’t live this way. It’s all too much. No one understands. No one cares, and I’m all alone in this. I don’t know how my life has fallen this far. What did I do to deserve it?
Waiting. We make Him wait because where have any of our complaints gotten us? Are we taller? Are we stronger? Even greater, is He less? We can sit and fuss about the weather, our pocketbook, our job, the bills we can’t pay, or we can go to work and earn dollars. We can fuss about taxes and the government and the price of gas (egad!), or we can buckle down and pay for it. If you don’t put gas in the car, you will go nowhere.
So it is with things of faith. With God waiting. He loves us, and He hears our complaints. But He’d much rather pour Himself into us because we seek Him. Let our prayers be TO Him and not ABOUT Him. Well, if you had just done something the other day. If only you’d spoken before I made this mess. Or there’s the classic, WHY, GOD WHY? God must be our solution, not our problem. He’s who we turn to in order to find peace of mind, and not to give Him a piece of our mind.
If you let it all hang out, then you’ll have to tuck it all back in, to quote my mother.
When life falls apart, when the questions beg to be answered, when God seems like the problem, and you’re either going to cry or explode, put on something that wakes you up, music or preaching, whatever anointed ministry you choose, and seek His face. Soak up His presence and watch as the questions become less in the light of His face. He wants to answer them, but the first step forward is not giving Him the blame.
Decide, here and now, to NEVER, EVER blame God for your situation. God is generous goodness. He is abundant mercy. And we have an enemy who likes nothing better than when God’s children (or anyone) make God at fault. Decide the devil did this, and God loves me, and refuse to cast blame on the One who died and rose again to save your soul. Change your focus. If I’m feeling down and out, depressed, angry, belligerent … ANYTHING that isn’t JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING … then God did not do this to me, and the devil needs to be put in His place. Again.
But I feel horrible. My heart’s racing, and my mind’s a mess. Yes, but God is FOR YOU. He is not AGAINST YOU. He loved not His own life in order to save yours. He let them beat Him until He was bloody and so unsightly that men couldn’t look on Him. These are the words of Isaiah. The people mocked Him and insulted Him, yet He didn’t say a word. He gave no defense except to answer Pilate’s question, “Are you the King of the Jews?” and to quote the Psalms of David.
Think about Jesus’ suffering. Then think about His victory and enter into His courts with praise, with thanksgiving, and then the peace of God which passes all understanding will heal your mind and fill your inner man, and in the light of His glory and grace, this moment, on this day, that seems to be, that feels like it is, so awful, will fade away.
Come into His courts and just soak Him up. I always tell people, Don’t ask for anything. Just sit and let Him wash over you. Then take the second step, and say, out loud, I CAN DO THIS. God, in me is more than enough. He is greater than anything I’m facing. His Presence and His Word provides all I’ll ever need. If He cares enough about the sparrows, then I know He will take care of me.
Our words matter. We must speak the Word. We must say what Jesus would say and not what the enemy has tried to fill our minds with. Repent of the complaints. Tell the devil, “Not today! Today, I will not listen to you!” Then, turn your back to the problem and turn your heart towards the solution. Jesus is the solution. He’s the answer. His Presence is what heals.
Our words, which can destroy us, will also lift us up. We can tear ourselves down with them. Or choose to walk higher. To walk THROUGH the valley, in one side and out the other, aware that the Shepherd Himself, who came to earth as a sheep and died as the Lamb of God, is walking every step with us. See Him there, and in His shadow, in who He is as King of Kings, as the SO LOVE of God, choose to abide, to live.
Step three, PRAY. If you have a Holy Spirit prayer language, then PRAY. A lot. All the time. Because the enemy has no idea what you’re saying. He’s completely clueless. But when we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit takes our words, our sighs and groans, and makes them the perfect will of God. Prayer is worship. We come to God, knowing He is all things, and He wants to answer, He wants to reward us. Our prayers place Him in the position He needs to be. First place. And when God is first, then what we’re seeking, what we’re needing will come to us.
Maybe not instantly. Maybe in an hour. Maybe in two hours. But now instead of God waiting on us, we’re waiting on Him, and that’s a much better position to be in. Faith and patience inherit the promises. Our rash words and behaviors solve nothing. The fact it irritates us to be patient is a sign we need slow down, give it all to God, and trust Him. This is faith. Faith is trust in God’s character, in His nature, to provide what we cannot. And He can and will provide it. He loves us beyond our human capacity to ever know it.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Revelation 12:11)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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