"In order to know the lie of the liar, I must know the truth of the Truth-giver and recognize the lie when it comes my way." |
THE PATTERN OF MY DAYS is not dependent on the enemy. My joy and satisfaction in it is not at his whim. My future is not in his control. If he is a liar and the father of lies, as Jesus said he was, then whatever he says to me is not the truth and is, instead, meant to deceive. If he says my life is hopeless, then it isn’t. If he says, I’ll never be well again, then I can be and I will be.
In order to know the lie of the liar, I must know the truth of the Truth-giver and recognize the lie when it comes my way.
Symptoms are a lie. This seems opposite in our minds. If we feel any sort of distress or pain, then that would appear to be the truth. But truth is not fact. Reality may agree with how we feel or how we look, the facts from the doctor or the bank may point in a downward direction, but there is Resurrection power in embracing God’s truth. We do not deny the facts. We deny the facts the chance to affect us.
I have been there, when your body is screaming at you. I have gone to bed with great physical discomfort and my mind spiraling. I have had sleepless nights and days that would not end. I overcame them with complete reliance on God. Nothing I could do would “fix me.” My self-effort was useless, so I made the choice to cling to the Word and stay in the Presence of God.
We are continually looking for ladders and bridges we can create to get from here to there. But though faith requires action, it is based on the love of God for us and on our knowledge of His extreme goodness. Hebrews 11:6 says we must know that God exists, AND that He is a REWARDER. This is not necessarily talking about money. He has rewarded us with salvation, which includes long life and good days, satisfaction of days, healing and deliverance, peace of mind, and joy in the Lord.
When I let go of my need to defend myself, my need to go on the offense under my own strength, and began to stand on the Word as complete truth, do you know what happened? The Holy Spirit showed up. I chose worship in the midst of my unhappiness, and His presence filled me. I chose the truth of the Scriptures instead of complaints. And suddenly what seemed tough became almost funny. I laughed my way back into the abundant, everlasting life that I had lost sight of.
The lie of the enemy says we can’t handle this much longer. The truth is God is our strength, no matter how long it takes. His timing is not always ours, but by setting aside our impatience, our desperation, and learning to wait, by taking up patience from the Holy Spirit, the enemy loses control. Refuse to listen to him when he tries to push you into panic or frustration. Give God the complete control of when and how your situation ends and determine not to look backwards.
Because the devil’s lie says we can’t escape. He replays and replays our bad memories, trying to fill us with condemnation and regret, with dread. The truth is, God has forgiven us for all our sins and has an amazing plan for the rest of our life, one specific to me, one specific to you. The devil would rob us of our future. He steals hope. But the truth in God is that he can never take away what Jesus has done for us. Forever, Jesus’ blood sits on the altar of heaven proclaiming our redemption. Forever, the stripes on Jesus’ back purchased our healing and deliverance.
We must focus on God’s point of view until that is all we see. He sees us as His beloved children filled with all the benefits of His kingdom. The lies of the enemy are figments which fade away in the light of Jesus’ face, and God’s love for us, what Jesus came to earth to show us, is truth. There is a heaven where our loving Father sits on the throne. The Holy Spirit speaks to our heart, revealing the beauty of God, the beauty of His Word. Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. Never.
Practical Words:
What do you do when the troubles seem so huge? How do you ignore what the enemy is saying? FIRST, read God’s Word. But not simply reading over it. Meditating on it. Read it and read it and read it until it becomes part of your thinking. SECOND, spend time in God’s presence. Take as much time as you can to worship and fill your heart with Him. His presence heals and brings peace. THIRD, occupy yourself. Isolation opens a door for the enemy to talk to you. Get out of the house. Do something you enjoy or something you would not usually do. On days that you must stay home, occupy your mind. Play music. Read a book. Even do chores. Don’t simply sit and think all the time. FOURTH, if you have a prayer language, spend time praying in tongues. The enemy has no idea what you are saying and what you are speaking to God is always perfectly in His will. It will strengthen your inner man, AND it opens your heart to hear from Him. Pray then listen. Become aware of His voice, and He will become your very best friend.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26)
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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